The Health Benefits of Dancing

Virginia Beach, VA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 10/14/2011 --Dance exercise is fun and at the same time, great for your health. Dancing is great a workout that is not only fun, but also provides a great number of astounding health benefits. Dancing is anaerobic exercise consisting of different unique steps, that are choreographed to music. Depending upon the type of dancing, whether it is the waltz or the samba, the Charleston or the meringue, will determine the type of steps taken to correctly complete the dance. There are many dance studios and gyms in Virginia Beach that have adopted specialized dance exercise classes but any kind of dance is good for your health. Rants Ballroom Company also provides exercise type dance lessons for adults and children.

Throughout history, dancing has been a way for people to interact without words to satisfy their recreational and social needs. Dancing is not only an important social activity but also a competitive sport, and with the popularity of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” competitive dancing and dance exercise has reached all new heights.

While dancing is great fun, there are many health benefits derived from dance exercise, including improvement in your overall health, a reduction in stress, enhanced energy, easier digestion, weight loss, conditioning of the heart as well as lungs, improved cardiopulmonary functions and enhanced muscle tone and bone density.

It has also been revealed that dance exercise can reduce the chances for developing such ailments as Alzheimer’s disease as well as other types of dementia that are commonly found in elderly people.

Studies even reveal that regular dance exercise reduces the risk of developing disorders such as carcinoma of the large intestine, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart-related ailments. Besides these health benefits, dancing allows you to remain slim and young. It is also a great way to get rid of worries as a result of a hectic work schedule and other personal tensions.

All dance exercise is healthy

There are many different dance forms of dance exercise that offer terrific benefits to your health. However, each dance form possesses different characteristics. Benefits derived from each of these dance forms are also different, and mostly depend upon the duration of the dance, apart from your level of skill.

For instance, belly dancing is an important dance form that finds a prominent position during celebrations and festivals. The benefits of this dance form are the prevention of lower back problems, stress reduction, and enhanced posture. Not to mention an amazing stomach. Many women belly dance to improve the firmness of their stomach.

Likewise, ballroom dancing for dance exercise renders such advantages as body conditioning, increased stamina, improvement to the circulatory system, and enhanced flexibility. Not to mention that you get to wear those beautiful gowns. Ballroom dancing is considered to be the most elegant form of dance. It requires precision and grace, as well as perfect timing.

Salsa, or the “forbidden dance” is also great for dance exercise as it offers many health benefits including endurance building, weight loss, the release of toxins through sweating, enhanced cholesterol levels, maintenance of high blood pressure, and a reduced heart rate. Salsa, with it’s closer than close dance steps is the basis for “dirty dancing” and we all know how sexual that is.

Swing Dancing, popular in the 20s, 30s and 40s as a response to big band swing music, combines triple steps and steps with syncopated music inspired by the African American and West African cultures music and dance. It is a high paced dance form with lots of energy, and its popularity has not dwindled over the years. Swing dancing is probably one of the most popular forms of dance.Ballroom burn healthy dance class

There is also square dancing, a very popular form of dance in the South, conditions the cardiovascular system, enhances cholesterol levels, strengthens the bones, and conditions the muscles.

Other important dance forms that offer different health benefits are jazz dance that combine diverse steps; Flamenco dancing, an essential part of Spanish culture; tap, an important rhythmic as well as recreational dance form; modern dance of distinctive styles; folk dance, an important segment of most festivals and celebrations; Chinese dance consisting of classical as well as ethnic steps; ballet, which builds incredible stamina and balance.
Dance exercise burns calories

Above all, dancing is considered a great way to burn calories. However, the amount of calories depends upon the type of dance. For example, swing dancing burns almost 235 calories per hour. Likewise, ballroom dancing burns nearly 265. In the case of square dancing, it burns about 280. Dance forms such as belly and salsa burn 400 plus calories per hour.

Apart from these health benefits, dancing is also considered an excellent way to add that extra cheer to your life, thereby making each day more fulfilling.

Life is full of emotions, and an exercise plan coupled with rhythmic movements such as dance is a great way to lift your emotions, bringing more joy and fulfillment to your life. Dance might just be the perfect aerobic exercise that can help you move according to your life’s changing emotions and rhythms.

Media Relations Contact

Marie Rants
Dance Instructor
Rants Ballroom Company

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