Online Marketing Acantara Acantara - Universal and Individual Services in the Age of Specialization and Generalization

Universal and Individual Services in the Age of Specialization and Generalization

Düsseldorf, Germany -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/28/2011 --The Internet attracts and sells the Internet. The large number of today's businesses through both the management of its external communications activities and the generation of new customers via the World Wide Web. This development has Acantara, the agency for online marketing and search engine optimization, already recognized in 2008 and made the decision to offer their services in German-speaking countries.

The service portfolio of the Agency is as complex as highly efficient. The company has the right, in its clients' questions about online marketing and search engine optimization advice and support universal. And this is SEO and search engine advertising, web analytics, online PR and social media campaigns offered. Individual, tailored planning, consulting and implementation are the mission statement of the agency. For this reason there are no campaigns "off the shelf". And last but not least, an optimization approach is offered, which stems from the professional development and creative ideas to the agency.

Acantara supports its customers in the area of online marketing with the goal of permanent placement and positive results with the aim of leading search engines. This can only go on a long-term optimization, permanent implementation of appropriate measures and strict control vonstatten success. For this reason, the company employees who were part of their activity, even for the leading search engines and knowledgeable in the field of search engine algorithms very well. Of course, the optimization of the agency action is based solely on white hat, which poses no risk to the client. Google forms a strict guideline, its policies, employees are arrested.

A special feature in the landscape of search engine optimization provider for Acantara is a performance-based compensation approach. Here, the measures taken are only calculated at an agreed part in the beginning. After the placement of ambitious goals are achieved together is only the full invoice amount due. This so-called "performance-based compensation" is intended to illustrate the potential client before using the services of not only the added value offered by the Agency with your service, along with a special compensation model, but also provide maximum transparency and trustworthiness. Not for nothing are many renowned companies from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and even the United States to their regular customers here and take the duesseldorf agency offers comprehensive services from online marketing to complete, which are offered from a competent and reliable source.

Another unique feature is the team's approach to reputation management. Therefore are not the only search engine optimization and placement success for the customer focus of employees but also the implementation of appropriate online marketing campaigns for a greater presence on the Internet. Therefore, the use Acantara Online PR, Social leads through media campaigns, provides professional web analytics and services is also in the field of search engine advertising is a competent and experienced partner for many years.

As the CEO not only the importance of a good placement in Google & Co., well known, but the vastly different media habits in 14 - to 49-year-old, and the effects of a creative and viral social media campaign that focused the company on the broad field of online marketing activities. It does not matter if the customer wants only the publication of some press releases or a combination of long-term care blog, creating a Facebook fan page and social bookmarking.

Thus complete creative content, viral campaigns, the response to possible criticisms in review sites as well as the general online public relations both a complement to search engine optimization as well as a base and an effective means for specific target groups, the presence on the Internet to control the situation and as needed to focus to optimize.

The optimization düsseldorfer forge has made in recent years a wide range of knowledge, consulting expertise and know-how through practical work and the best trained staff, so now also coaching and training are included in the service portfolio. The company provides clients and their employees the most important theoretical and practical guidelines for search engine optimization and advertising, shows how the marketing channel of social media can be used ideally borders, in practical case examples, the online PR from the classical PR. You individually and reworked as needed training modules are developed according to their level of knowledge and carried out efficiently.

Thus, the service may be summarized by the Agency for online marketing and search engine optimization with the following three attributes:

Universal, transparent and individually!

About Acantara
Acantara is an agency for online marketing and search engine optimization and supports clients from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Our employees are the different options for a successful and professional search engine optimization and could trust her abilities on many projects prove successful. We are confident in our approach and our professionalism, and you can therefore our services to search engine optimization of your domain without offering one-time costs based on performance related, fair and transparent. In addition to a professional search engine optimization Acantara It may also help in other areas of online marketing, such as in Keyword Advertising / search engine advertising, blogging, social media marketing, online PR activities, Adwords management and optimization, etc.

Media Relations Contact

John Edwin

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