Online VA Team Is Offering Virtual Assistant Solutions


Ann Arbor, MI -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/08/2020 --Online VA Team is a provider of professional virtual assistants and remote staffing solutions, which they offer to businesses around the globe. Setting out from their base in Michigan, the firm has grown to become a favorite among clients as they are associated with quality, reliability, affordability, and timely services. The company's primary objective is to help small businesses reduce their overhead, which gives the business more time to attend to more pressing day-to-day activities. Online VA Team handles everything from taking phone calls, setting appointments, tracking schedules as well as other administrative tasks, where they can always be relied on to deliver beyond the set expectations.

Speaking about getting the right virtual assistant solutions team, the company's spokesperson commented, "While there are many virtual assistant firms out there, it is rare that you come by a service provider that understands your company's requirements. Thus, when you're looking to partner with a particular company, it is vital that you take your time in doing so. At Online VA Team, we understand the vitality of having a great team behind you, and this has been the basis of our service provision. We not only provide you with virtual assistant services, but we offer you virtual assistant solutions that are specific to your business. Our team is well-trained as it pertains to various business models, and you can trust that we'll always do our level best to ensure your business productivity levels are high."

Online VA Team has since its inception evolved to become the go-to entity for clients looking for virtual assistant services. The company knows what it means to provide top-of-the-range solutions, and this is what makes them different. They cater to a whole range of virtual assistant requirements such as customer service reps, virtual real estate assistants, book & admin assistants, sales assistants, social media assistants, and much more. All these segments are facilitated by the company's professional team, with one guaranteed of brilliance at all times.

Talking about how virtual assistant solutions benefit a business, the company's spokesperson added, "The hiring of virtual assistants is becoming a common trend to not only small companies but also big ones. This is because virtual assistants come with great benefits that are usually a plus for any firm. Such perks include flexible working hours, quality output, weekends or after-hour support, increased productivity, access to wide knowledge & experience, and much more. This is what we offer you at Online VA Team. We understand the varying dynamics as it pertains to different client demands, and are always ready to tackle any virtual task that comes our way."

When it comes to virtual executive assistant services, Online VA Team has been known to provide some of the best services. The company's virtual executive assistants handle a wide range of activities such as organizing calendars, managing meetings, booking flights & hotels, event coordination, organization & management, providing customer services and managing as well as answering blog comments, and so on. More details on the company's virtual executive assistant services can be found on their site.

About Online VA Team
Online VA Team is a best-in-class online virtual assistant company that's helping businesses around the world achieve tremendous growth. The company covers a whole range of virtual assistant needs and can be relied on to always deliver in a professional manner.

Contact Details

Online VA Team
2370 E Stadium Blvd, Suite 480,
Ann Arbor, Michigan – 48104
Phone: (800) 989-0360

Media Relations Contact

Online VA Team

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