Tennis Toddler Wows All at Cascade Plymouth

Plymouth, England -- (ReleaseWire) -- 03/27/2012 --It’s yet another YouTube sensation that has amazed the thousands of internet users who have watched since the clip went viral, including those at Plymouth-based firm Cascade - a British toddler, barely two years old, has been filmed playing table tennis.

“I couldn’t believe it either,” said an overawed source within Cascade. “I thought the clip had to be faked, it just looked so impossible.” But the clip is 100% real, according to parents of the talented micro-star. Father Kevin Buddell was reported in the Daily Mail as finding the whole experience “mind boggling”.

The ninety-second clip of little Jamie Myskova-Buddell shows the toddler perched on a full-size table, hitting a table tennis ball back to his father with professional sportsman-like skill – and over 630,000 people are already reported to have viewed the clip in the few days since it was first posted on the viral video site. Now the Buddell family, who are from Plymouth, are receiving calls from media around the world as the table tennis toddler becomes a global phenomenon, and even US TV personality Ellen DeGeneres wants to feature the star on her chat show.

“That’s the power of the internet,” said a source at Cascade, who isn’t surprised by the rate at which little Jamie’s fame has been growing. “All it takes to make it big with the YouTube generation is to be unusual, funny and a little bit unbelievable, and this certainly ticks all the right boxes.”

“Jamie seemed to pick it up naturally after he started playing with a table tennis ball,” Kevin told the Daily Mail, “and it wasn’t long before he was hitting it with a bat. Now he carries a bat everywhere he goes.” Mr Buddell runs a car hire company in Plymouth and is also a former table tennis star, while his partner Marketa Myskova also plays the sport at venues around the UK. Kevin says this whole adventure began when his wife wanted to send a video of Jamie to her folks in Prague. The video was uploaded to YouTube and at first only reached 350 views, but then it went crazy last week.” Now the family have appeared on ABC in America. “We did it as a bit of fun,” said Kevin. “Now everyone is raving about it.”

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