ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE: Offering Highly Beneficial Foreign Exchange Programs to High School Students

ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE, a Rotary International sponsored foreign exchange program that provides for participating students hands-on experience of different educational systems, the opportunity to learn a new language, and become a global citizen.

Washington, DC -- (ReleaseWire) -- 05/28/2021 --ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a Rotarian-sponsored program that gives high school students access to study abroad, have fun, learn a different culture while adapting to a new way of life, and lots more. The Rotarians who coordinate the program are people from different spheres of life; they include business and community leaders and professionals. They offer charitable services to create peace and goodwill around the world. Furthermore, ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE has over 1.2 million members in more than 33,000 clubs around the globe; they do not discriminate applicants based on age, sex, religion, and other socio-economic and demographic characteristics but provide equal conditions for them in the selection process.

In response to a query about their services, the spokesperson of ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE commented, "We always provide for those who want to host students a platform to do so as it is a way of building special friendships and connections that often last a lifetime. During this period, foreign exchange students spend between 3-5 months with their host, and they are helped to transition to a new way of life. Host families can be Rotarians or Non-Rotarians and may include young children, older children, or no children at all. We also let host families know that there is no reimbursement or compensation for their work as we are all volunteers".

ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE offers a low-cost scholarship program that is tailor-made for high school students. Qualified applicants must be between the ages of 15 and 19 years at the time of their departure, and a local Rotary club must sponsor them. This program also enables participating students to learn a new language and explore other cultures. Those who want to know about student exchange program benefits can visit ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE's website for more information.

The spokesperson of ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE further commented, "We strive to create and maintain a safe environment for all participants in Rotary activities. This has made us reinforce the statement of conduct with different policies that prioritise and primary concern is the safety of participants".

ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE also has a study abroad program, which is an international long-term exchange program. Those who are qualified for this program must attend high school full-time in their assigned foreign country, as it is a compulsory part of the cultural immersion. The program is for one academic year, and each participating student will live with 2-3 families during their stay. Also, each student is paid a monthly stipend by the host families to care for unexpected expenses. More information on foreign exchange programs for high school students is available on ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE's website.

ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE offers a set of programs coordinated by Rotary International for high school students. Participating students can benefit from this program, as it is a pathway to having a global experience without the associated cost of international education programs. People who would like to know more about how to be a foreign exchange student program participant can contact ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE for more details.

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