A-1 Hydro Inc. / Safe Wash Technologies' Power Washers in Brookfield, Medford, White Plains, Bronx, Danbury, New Windsor, and the Surrounding Areas


Mount Vernon, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/25/2022 --A-1 Hydro Inc. / Safe Wash Technologies, the industry leader in providing quality eco-friendly detergents to keep commercial, industrial, and recreational equipment and facilities clean, features a number of highly effective power washers for businesses in Brookfield, Medford, White Plains, Bronx, Danbury, New Windsor, or the surrounding areas. A-1 Hydro Inc. / Safe Wash Technologies can explain how power washers are a great investment for keeping a client's property clean and ready for business.

Pressure washers shoot out water at high pressure, and power washers add the element of heat to the high pressure water. While the addition of heat will help to clean surfaces better and faster, it can also help with the destructive aspects of a pressure washer as well. There are many surfaces that should not be cleaned with a power washer because they are unable to withstand the force of the heated water.

Painted surfaces can easily be stripped of the paint that was put on them. In some cases, this is what clients want, but if they only want to clean the surface and not remove paint, they will need to use a different method.

Wood materials are also a surface to be careful with, as cleaning them can clean them but it could also remove any paint or stain that they have. Again, if that is the goal that is fine, but if they only want to clean them, another method is recommended.

Old items, no matter what they are, should also not have a power washer used on them. With their age they will likely disintegrate or get damaged. It doesn't matter what material the item is made from, anything that is old should not have a power washer used with it.

While businesses might be wondering if they should use a power washer at all, there are many instances where it is nearly the only way to really get a surface clean. Any sidewalks that they have, for example, can benefit from using a power washer on them. The addition of the heat will help to remove any stuck-on items, like chewing gum, and will power away dirt and grime and make the sidewalks look like new.

Contact A-1 Hydro Inc. / Safe Wash Technologies to learn about all of the different power washers that they have. Over the last 50 years they have refined their offerings to be effective as well as environmentally friendly.

About A-1 Hydro Inc. / Safe Wash Technologies
A-1 Hydro Inc. / Safe Wash Technologies has been on the cutting edge of detergent innovation since 1940. We are committed to providing quality products in Brookfield, Medford, White Plains, Bronx, Danbury, New Windsor, and the surrounding areas you can trust to get the job done right. For more information, please visit www.safewashtech.com.

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