Parsifal Employee Team Maintains Impressive Tenure


Fairfield, ME -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/15/2023 --Parsifal Corporation is pleased to congratulate two long time employees as they reached very notable 25 year anniversary milestones last year in 2022. They are also joined by several other associates with 15 year achievements. Mark Olsen, President and CEO shared that "Parsifal is proud to announce that 37% of our current staff has a tenure of more than 10 years."

Jessica Vellos (Systems Liaison), began her employment with Parsifal over 25 years ago, initially on the operations team and then moving to data entry for service quality and other reporting and finally to becoming Systems Liaison. Successfully growing in capabilities, Jessica became an integral part of developing and maintaining the foundational "PAS" auditing software and subsequently transitioning into her current and key role as Systems Liaison coordinating activities with the product development team, resulting in successful and final software solutions.

Sean Peters (Network Manager), also started with the company 25 years ago and shares that "Computer work, whether it be networking or programming, has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I set up the computer lab in my 5th grade class and haven't looked back since." Sean oversees Parsifal's computer network system ensuring the staff has efficient access to computer systems, records, documents and files, as well as email programs and internet, while maintaining the integrity and security of these systems by setting up firewalls, passwords and fail safe mechanisms.

Other associates who have achieved a tenure of 15 years include Daniel David (Systems Design), Denise Gentry (Audit Admin), Laurie Milano (Domestic Audit Manager), Jehan Park (Project Lead/Sr. Software Engineer/Peredur), Ute Pierce (Audit Admin), and Daniel Sakala (Sr. Software Engineer/Peredur).

Parsifal applauds and greatly appreciates all our associates with these achievements for their dedication and many years of hard work, flexibility and tenacity to become exemplary employees and major contributors to the ongoing success at Parsifal Corporation.

Parsifal Corporation products and services are in constant global operation in over 120 countries, with corporations, carriers and move managers in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. Parsifal assists clients in obtaining best in class household goods pricing and quality of service. And, we offer to protect that pricing and quality with expert global auditing.

Mission: At Parsifal Corporation we are dedicated to our passion and craft, focused on ensuring outstanding accuracy and sound fairness through quality-driven and innovative technology to all our clients, partners and stakeholders in the global relocation experience.

To find out how our expert services and relocation procurement technologies can assist your company, please visit us at for more information.

Media Relations Contact

David Jones
Parsifal Corporation

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