Facebook Forum Aimed at Protecting Investors in Penny Stocks, and Assisting Them in Finding the Best Penny Stock Investments

Professional Analyst Peter Leeds has announced a Facebook interface geared towards assisting investors in penny stocks. The forum allows traders to communicate directly with Peter Leeds and his team, get educated opinions about specific penny stocks, and ask questions related to speculative low-priced shares.

New York, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 06/01/2012 --Professional analyst and author of "Invest in Penny Stocks," Peter Leeds, has announced a Facebook forum aimed at protecting investors from the pitfalls of penny stocks, while helping steer them towards high quality, low-priced investments.

Located on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peter-Leeds-The-Penny-Stock-Professional/81406424795 the public Peter Leeds profile allows followers to ask questions to Mr. Leeds and his entire penny stock team. The interface also allows for quick responses, and further follow-up questions and answers.

Leeds encourages any investors who have questions about penny stocks,or want an opinion on a specific penny stock they are interested in, to pose their query on the Peter Leeds public Facebook site.

"Our first job is to help protect investors from the numerous, yet easily avoidable, pitfalls in penny stock investing," mentions Leeds. "Our second job is then to help steer these same investors towards penny stocks of much higher quality. We look for penny stocks that have proven management teams, increasing revenues, are approaching profitability, and have solid patent and intellectual property portfolios."

When Leeds and his team uncover the best penny stock picks, they publish them in their penny stock newsletter for subscribers. All picks come with full company reports, buy and sell price opinions, and daily updates.

Leeds and his team also abide by their 100% unbiased guarantee, which states that they have no vested interest in the penny stocks they profile - they receive no compensation, do not own shares, and do not benefit by changes in the price of the underlying shares.

Leeds goes on to state that, "we're very excited to communicate directly with investors like this. Facebook has given us a forum to connect with traders and people interested in penny stocks, and it has also given all of us a voice. I speak for my entire team when I say that we're looking very forward to speaking directly (although digitally) with all investors who are interested in penny stocks, and either have a question or a related comment."

To learn more about Peter Leeds or his penny stock newsletter, visit him online at the new penny stock investor learning center.

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Abs Girdhar

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