Benepath Offers Experienced Agents with Every Quote


Newtown Sq, PA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/18/2013 --Health insurance quotes online vary because various companies charge different rates for different coverage.

“Some people find it painfully confusing to shop for health insurance quotes online and find out the prices vary greatly. This is due to a number of reasons, the policy, although you may think it is the same on each site, may not be the same; the market in the company’s location can withstand higher rates, or in searching for a quote, you did not give the same information to each company,” explained Clelland Green, RHU, CEO, and president of Benepath, Pennsylvania.

In the rush to save money on buying health insurance, some do not stop to fully examine the policy they were quoted on. They look at the price and go for it, even if it is the first thing they see. “The problem with buying the first, cheapest policy one finds is that it may not cover what you need it for, and if you don’t ask, what it covers and what it doesn’t, and many people don’t, you could get stuck later,” added Green.

While it may seem repetitive, and it should be, health insurance quotes are just that -- they are quotes based on the information provided by the prospective client. If the information is not complete, or is not accurate, this will affect the quotes. One of the things people need to do when asking for quotes is to use the same information for all insurance providers.

If inaccurate information is offered to an insurance company, and insurance is purchased based on that information, which turns out to be false, this is considered to be fraud. “At that point, should you submit a claim for medications for a condition you did not indicate you had, you run the risk of having your insurance cancelled,” stated Green. “Is it worth it?”

Ideally, people searching online for health insurance quotes could conduct a solid price comparison by getting at least three quotes. While many feel they do not have the time to sit and analyze the information, it is vital that this is done. For those that do not know what the policies cover, and are shopping on price alone, going for the cheapest policy may be the worst mistake they could ever make.

Health insurance coverage is about – coverage, and if an individual buys by price alone, they may not get the coverage they need. They may be getting a bare bones policy that barely covers what they wanted, but did not ask about, thinking it was included in the cheap policy they bought. All insurance policies are not created equal. “Take the time to analyze the ones that interest you, ask questions and move forward from there. Never assume that because it is cheap, it is comprehensive,” warned Green.

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