Intel Corporation&Oracle Corporation Trend Analysis Reports: (NASDAQ: INTC), (NASDAQ: ORCL)

New York, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 03/28/2013 --Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) announced several tools and initiatives targeted at software developers, creating some of the most performance-hungry gaming and media titles on the market. Intel® Core™ processor performance, power efficiency and strong momentum for Intel HD Graphics are freeing developers to take applications in new directions.

Debuting at GDC 2013 were new graphics capabilities for forthcoming IntelHD Graphics platforms that are accessible through DirectX* extensions. The first of these extensions, called PixelSync, provides access to underlying hardware that allows programmers to properly composite partially transparent pixels without the need for an expensive sorting operation. Game developers have long awaited this capability in order to more realistically render smoke, hair, windows, foliage, fences and other complex geometry and natural phenomena.

Find out more on INTC here:

Corporation (NASDAQ:ORCL)’s new SPARC systems, Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) announced new enablement and Specialization resources for SPARC T5 and M5 servers.

Oracle's SPARC T5 and M5 servers join its entry-level SPARC T4 servers to complete Oracle's new SPARC family, spanning entry-level, midrange and high-end.

Oracle's SPARC servers with Oracle Solaris are the world's best platforms for enterprise computing at any scale and deliver significant cost advantages over comparable systems.

Oracle Corporation develops, manufactures, markets, hosts, and supports database and middleware software, applications software, and hardware systems.

Further, the company provides consulting solutions in business and IT strategy alignment, enterprise architecture planning and design, initial product implementation and integration, and ongoing product enhancement and upgrade services; Oracle managed cloud services; and education services. Oracle Corporation was founded in 1977 and is headquartered in Redwood City, California.

Find out more on ORCL here:

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