Lemonade Cleanse Review: Scam or a Real Good Cleansing

Denver, CO -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/11/2013 --The Lemonade Cleanse also known by many as the Master Cleanse Diet is a type of fasting-cleanse by drinking a mixture of lemon or lime juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. To some, this may seem extreme, while for others, it may seem like a must. So is Lemonade Cleanse diet a scam? Does the Lemonade Cleanse really help people lose weight? Or could the Lemonade Cleanse have other benefits as a result? In this Lemonade Cleanse Review page people will find an answer to all this questions.

Lemons diet or lemonade diet as it is called is based on a 10 day fast diet whose special ingredient is lemonade. Lemon diet is also considered a method of detoxifying the body. Stanley Borroughs designed this lemon detox program in 1940 called "The Master Cleanser" which continues to be popular until today. Although originally conceived as a fast weight loss diet, detoxification program gained notoriety more like a diet among those who want to quickly lose weight. The thought of lemon stimulates metabolism and is effective in burning fat that stimulates more people to keep it quick diet.

First and foremost, a common misconception about the master cleanse diet is that it is primarily for weight loss. Although those who complete the master cleanse lose anywhere from 10 to 40 lbs, this is not the primary reason the master cleanse fast was developed. Originally the Lemonade Diet or Maple Syrup diet, was developed to cleanse the body of built-up toxins in the colon and blood stream. This is where often the views of traditional medicine and natural health collide. Fasting has been a method of both mental, spiritual and physical cleansing for centuries, however it seems that traditional medicine sees this as an unnecessary means of treatment.

The Lemonade Cleanse Diet Plan Program Official Site

Unquestionably this program needs to be more carefully and strictly followed than most diets to work. The Master Cleanse Book explains the proper techniques to safely finish the Lemonade Cleanse without jeopardizing people's health. It also shows how to boost self-discipline and willpower to stay on the system for the full ten days. During the 10-day cleanse a special fresh lemon juice mixture containing water and maple syrup takes the place of solids. Cayenne pepper and fresh lemons are prepared to drink. This mixture is taken throughout the day at room temperature.

The Full The Lemonade Cleanse Diet Plan Program Review

Lemonade Cleanse Weight Loss Diet works by removing internal body waste that has been building up in the body, often for decades. This heavy intestinal mucus and encrusted fecal matter in the colon can weigh anywhere from 5 - 15 lbs. Getting rid of these toxins will help all of people's organs function more effectively and help people's fat cells release both toxins and fat. A lot of the weight people lose will be in the form of waste products and toxins that may well have been affecting their health for years.

Lemonade Cleanse diet is recommended for people who do not want to radically change their diet to get rid of excess weight. Nutrition specialists claim that this system is one of the easiest, as it involves eating a maximum of seven lemons a day, but gradually over a period of 10 days.

However, dieters should be aware that even if they lose weight they must have in mind that weight loss will occur not necessarily fat deposits, but also in muscle tissue and water. The author himself mentions in lemonade Cleanse eBook that at least half of the lost weight will come back after the diet with lemons is finished. Here many people incorrectly take lemon diet as a quick weight loss diet. Lemonade Cleanse diet is deficient in all nutrients essential: calories, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and fat. No protein diets cause the body to turn to muscle tissue and therefore muscle weakness occurs and then we wonder why metabolism is not that old and we gain weight "of anything."

When people lose weight they should keep in mind that there is no miracle ingredient that will solve all problems and they will go back to the old way of eating. Weakening is sustainable in the longer term and only through a healthy and balanced lifestyle associated with the sport. Moreover, very restrictive diets leads the "hungry" eat everything that came to hand after he abstained for so long.

Health Benefits of Lemons
Lemons and their green variant - limes - contain compounds called flavonoids which have great antioxidant properties that help in fighting or preventing cancer. It turned out that these flavonoids stop cell division in many cancer cell lines, but they are very useful for their antibiotic effect. Lemons contain vitamin C which neutralize free radicals and helps the immune system.

For people interested to read more about Lemonade Cleanse they can send an e-mail to John Colston at John.Colston@dailygossip.org or can simply visit the official website right here at www.lemonadecleanse.com .

More Details About The lemonade Cleanse Diet Plan Program
The Lemonade Cleanse Diet Plan Program Official Site

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John Colston
Chief Editor
Ironclad Integrity Unlimited Ltd

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