How to Implement Online Recruitment Best Practices

For recruiters, GoRecroot focuses delivering functionality value primarily through (1) recruitment ads (2) employment branding solutions (3) jobs to talent mapping (4) recruitment community value additions.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/03/2009 -- GoRecroot, an online resume sourcing platform offers an increasingly popular alternative to traditional recruiting and employer-based resume searches. With its resume search service, GoRecroot enables employers to focus on interviewing and hiring, instead of searching for qualified applicants. GoRecroot has brought quantified impact to progressive recruiters with cost savings, time savings and faster hiring rates thank to focused resume sourcing.

Global recruitment experts agree that the changing economy brings a new challenge. Recruiters need to adjust quickly to the new resume sourcing needs. Some employment sectors like engineering, accounting and healthcare are doing well in some pockets and could be called strong in other areas. 60 – 80% of progressive recruiting is now vertical oriented. There are sectors with a high level of educational requirement including in engineering, CPA or healthcare and there is a continual demand in these areas.

Hiring managers and recruiters who find it difficult to fill specific requirements should broaden their resume search and GoRecroot is the right solution to such needs. The soft employment numbers mean that many firms with mid-level positions are inundated with hundreds of resumes from unqualified applicants. When no successful candidate emerges, companies may spend thousands of dollars on advertising or recruiting firms hoping to find the right candidate, or they simply settle for an unqualified one. A platform like GoRecroot avoids this scenario because of its intelligent approach to resume sourcing. GoRecroot does not go with a transactional approach to recruiting – that means dumping a large number of resumes on a large number of open positions (like job boards do) will not bring results, especially when there are specific needs. Fine searching, intelligent mapping and in-depth resume analysis is the need of the hour. GoRecroot delivers that at a fraction of the standard cost.

Free services at GoRecroot include job order creation, resume creation, interview preparation, job fair directory, recruiter directory, company directory, job order sharing, job search, mobile recruitment and job search site and much more. GoRecroot resumes, job orders, and ads are audio, video and photo – logo enabled. GoRecroot also brings 20 million global job opportunities, updated every hour using the best of web 2.0 technology. GoRecroot does not get myopic on any one sector such as Information Technology. Check out the breadth of coverage over 50+ sectors and over 5000 sub sectors at

For recruiters the partnership with GoRecroot does not involve technology pains or, hardware investments. It is a zero investment start and a ‘true to economy’ revenue share model. Recruiters get to use the platform and all its features to generate revenues. There is no need to lock up capital or get pressured by unrealistic ROI scenarios. What makes the decision a no-brainer is the fact that online recruitment worldwide has taken 17% more hits y-on-y in Jan 09, at a time when the luminaries of online business are shrinking. GoRecroot also offers custom white labeled deployment on a non revenue share model.

A team of progressive recruiters going at 3 – 5 lakhs net income per month can increase revenue and income per head by 40 – 60% in 6 to 12 months time. GoRecroot derives from proven online – offline collaborations where progressive recruiters make the rapid transition to big billing and effectively double or triple revenues over 2 years. The question facing the recruiters is: How are you going to tap multi modal, global, future-ready online platforms like GoRecroot to leapfrog into the big biller league.

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