3 Stories of the Fantastic, Speedy Publishing's New Fiction Book Published

3 Stories Of The Fantastic published under the Imprint Fantasmia


Newark, DE -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/27/2013 --From Chuck Swope comes a great book published under the imprint Fantasmia.

3 short stories that will fascinate and amaze you. The first story is about Robots, we all know how unstable they can be, but more it's about love and loyalty too. The 2nd story is about a strange visitor from another world who has a penchant for earthly things and a reporter who's trying to track the alien down. Is the alien a bad one or just curious? The third story is about a lonely scientist who builds an Android woman to be his companion. What possibly could go wrong? Revolt Of The Robots A lonely miner whos e only companions are his partner and a bunch of metal robots visits earth to buy supplies and meets a beautiful nurse who saves him from choking to death on a piece of steak. A whirlwind romance ensues, they marry, and she agrees to go back to the asteroid with him. It's not all peaches and roses from there. Is it ever? The Collectore strange things. A strange tip to reporter that a collector is in town. When reporter investigates the tip all he finds is a hot empty building, but strangely one floor is amazingly cool with a strange machine. When comes back with his Editor and a suit from the power company to investigate the strange machine, it's gone and reporter almost loses his job. Next reporter is sent to investigate the strange occurrance of zoo animals disappearing. gets another tip he follows up and sees the collector and some strange things. When he can't prove it to his ediror he's fired. Find out what happens when he meets the collector face to face again... The Man Who Built Himself A Woman e his. Lonely scientist builds himself a beautiful android woman. He shows her to his best friend who is somewhat of a ladies man. His creation seems attracted to his friend but he knows better, he has programmed her to be his and his alone. He decides to prove it to himself by inviting his friend over and leaving the two alone. I wonder what happens next? Hmmm... Download this book today while It's at this low price.

About Chuck Swope
Chuck Swope, born in Evansville Indiana, has lived several years in Las Vegas, NV with his wife, 3 cats and a dog. He loves reading, writing, sports, and betting on horse races. He has 4 grown children and several grandchildren and now, great grandchildren. He loves to read and write about mystery, crime, and science fiction. He also writes humor under the pen name of I. M. Nutts

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3 Stories Of The Fantastic * by Chuck Swope
Publication Date: July 27, 2013
Digital ISBN: 9781628842401
Print ISBN: 9781628842395
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Colin Scott

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