Zinc Repairing Skin Care Cream Created by Vivoderm to Help Fight Acne With Natural Properties

Vivoderm creates zinc-oxide moisturizer to combat acne and prevent sun damaged skin.


Los Angeles, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/10/2010 -- Vivoderm Laboratories LLC http://www.vivoderm.com, a natural and scientific skin care company based in Southern California, introduces a zinc repairing cream as part of their line of skin care products to combat acne and signs of aging. Vivoderm founder and holistic dermatologist, Dr. H. Adhami and a team of physicians and scientists developed the cream, through years of clinical and personal research.

Vivoderm is dedicated to finding effective, natural treatments to various skin conditions, for prevention, and skin health maintenance. The Vivoderm zinc repairing cream was developed to be used alone or in combination with Vivoderm’s other skin care products to protect patient’s skin, combat acne, prevent acne scars, reduce appearance of wrinkles and promote vitality. It is a potent repairing agent that has numerous benefits.

Zinc, the prime ingredient in the repairing cream, is a naturally occurring metallic element that balances the production of the oil in the skin, making it very effective in the prevention and treatment of acne. Zinc contains natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties and is essential for tissue growth and healing. As a physical sun block, it naturally protects against UV light, and is commonly used as a safe, non-toxic sunscreen.

Acne typically begins with an enlarged hair follicle, commonly known as a pore, plugged with oil, dead skin and bacteria. As the skin produces more oil, bacteria flourish and are lodged within the swollen follicle, eventually forming acne, or severe inflammation of the skin.

According to the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) in 2001, acne, or severe inflammation of the skin, is a problem that affects most people at some point in their lives:

- Nearly 17 million Americans have acne
- Acne is the most common skin disease in the US
- Between the ages of 12 and 24, almost 85% of people develop acne

Zinc is crucial to healthy oil production. If your diet is low in zinc, this may cause acne breakouts. Skin cells may fail to regenerate and build up within the hair follicle the point of closure. Zinc oxide has been shown to open up blockages and combat inflammation. The Vivoderm natural zinc repairing cream is infused with additional herbs and minerals to maintain the skin’s moisture while diminishing the visible signs of aging.

About Vivoderm Laboratories LLC
Vivoderm Laboratories LLC http://www.vivoderm.com is a privately owned skin care company based in Southern California, which produces skin care products comprised of natural ingredients in combination with advance scientific formulas to remedy a wide variety of skin problems. Vivoderm is devoted to using the purest natural ingredients to address the growing interest in sustainable products while still providing noticeable results. Developed by a Dermatologist, Vivoderm products have been used by physicians to treat thousands of people with great results. Vivoderm has not conducted, or commissioned any animal testing on ingredients or products.

Media Relations Contact

Rachelle Dupree
Marketing and Communications
Vivoderm Laboratories, LLC

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