The Venus Factor Review - Deal with Leptin and Attain the Perfect Female Body

Oakland Gardens, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/13/2013 --All women crave for a beautiful body and attaining it is definitely a dream come true. Women are always searching for ways that can get their bodies to look beautiful. But, finding an effective program is the difficult part. There are plenty of programs online for women that are geared towards losing weight and perhaps a bit of toning, but nothing more. If women would start thinking about weight losing program for men, they seriously would not want to end up like Christian Bale. Women failed at all other efforts to find a capable weight losing strategy should try their luck with The Venus Factor, formulated by John Barban. The efficiency with which this system works will get women a body that they had been struggling for years -beautiful and amazingly fit.

The Venus Factor System is a weight management program for women that takes twelve weeks to complete. Some people may question the fact why this is a women only program. The truth is that women and men are built differently and so the metabolism of a woman does not work exactly the same as the metabolism of a man. In view of these subtle differences, an effective weight loss solution for men does not necessarily mean that it is an effective weight loss solution for women.

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What Does The Venus Factor Address?

The Venus Factor System initiates by discussing about a hormone “leptin” that works to control our body’s appetite. Predictably, leptin also plays a critical role in helping our body lose weight. A woman’s body carries twice as much leptin than a man’s body and the levels of leptin resistance are also way higher in women. Therefore, women start to build up fat in the standard problem areas such as hips and stomach. Upon dieting, leptin levels in women decrease to a much greater extent than man. Low levels of leptin are followed by decreased metabolic rate. This is the reason why women suffer from the yoyo effect rather easily than men. Not only this, such effect has a tendency to let the weight of some women stuck at certain point where there cannot lose any more weight, even if they should. As this plateau in a woman’s body is reached, she can exercise and diet as much as she wants, but she will not be able to lose any more of her weight.

The solution to the problem of leptin’s behavior is resolved through the advent of the Venus Factor. This system presents a variety of approaches to prevail the metabolic system, so that when women are dieting, they can retain a high metabolic rate, even if their body is dealing with a natural decline in metabolic rate. Thus, through this strategy, weight lose is achieved.

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Approximately, one third of every woman is struggling to get a beautiful body and has been searching for a program that is designed to support the body, biology, and physiology, specifically made for women. The Venus Factor is highly recommended to every woman out there stressed under the pressure of losing weight in a sustainable manner. It addresses what lies at the heart of the problem when it comes to losing weight for women, which is the leptin hormone. Once this method is understood, the rest will fall into place. The Venus Factor and the Venus Index System work together in a manner allowing women to work not just on losing weight, but also on building a beautiful, sculpted yet feminine.

About The Venus Factor
The Venus Factor Package is in the form of an eBook designed to fully explain the weight loss program for women. Nonetheless, the Venus Factor does not resemble any other dieting plan or quick weight loss program. This program ensures that the buyers will learn the different nutritional strategies that women should be aware of in order to lose weight in just 12 weeks. Buyers will learn another important point mentioned in the Venus Factor that there exist certain food sources standing against the process of losing weight, which includes processed food, soy based product and many more. These products do not assist in the formation of leptin and should better be avoided.

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Beth Costaz

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