London Laser Clinic Offers Treatment for Leg Thread Vein Removal

London, UK -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/04/2013 --As people get older, so do their bodies. With this come unwanted body marks such as leg thread veins or spider veins. Luckily, a London laser clinic offers two different options for those who wish to undergo thread vein removal treatment.

At Pulse Light Clinic in London, patients can choose from Sclerotherapy treatments and also an alternative treatment that uses head to help disintegrate the walls of the affected veins called photothermolysis.

Sclerotherapy treatment uses a micro-needle that injects a solution or irritant chemical that brings the walls of the vein together. In about two to three weeks after treatment, the veins dissolve and are absorbed by the body. This treatment involves several sessions for sclerotherapy to work effectively. The trouble with this type of treatment is that if the treatment is injected in the wrong area, patients can have skin reactions. After this procedure, tenderness, swelling and discoloring can occur temporarily.

With photothermolysis, an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is used to cause the walls of the veins to collapse and is then absorbed by the body. A pro about this treatment is that it can be combined with other laser treatment options and can be performed during a lunch break and after office hours. There is also no needle involved with this treatment and soon after the treatment is performed, the patient can go back to their normal daily schedule. This treatment is not necessarily suitable for those with dark skin because the dark pigments can block the laser beams. There are also some restrictions after this type of procedure such as limited sunlight exposure and limited strenuous activities.

The experts at Pulse Light Clinic in London are available to decide which treatment option for leg thread vein removal treatment. Patients received a free pre-treatment consultation to enquire about any concerns they may have or a treatment decision that is good for them. Pulse Light Clinic only staffs fully trained medical staff and consultations are conducted by medical doctors.

To schedule a free pre-treatment consultation, or to learn more about leg thread vein removal treatment, visit for more information.

Media Relations Contact

Tol Bayo
Pulse Light Clinic

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