hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Are Now the Most Effective hCG Diet Plans for Dieters Seeking Weight Loss Help to Eliminate Their Fat Belly

Diet Doc’s hCG diet plans offer patients weight loss help in the form of nutrition counseling and natural supplements, diet pills and treatments that effectively target and eliminate the unhealthy, fat belly.


Escondido, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/12/2013 --With the upcoming holiday season, many dieters are looking to eliminate their stubborn, fat belly in time for gatherings with family and friends. But, because many dieters have tried, and ultimately failed, to successfully lose their fat belly, most dieters are beginning to recognize the need for weight loss help. Diet Doc’s prescription hormone diet plans were created to offer their clients unlimited access to weight loss help in the form of consultations with weight management experts and fat burning supplements, like their exclusive hCG diet treatments. Once dieters decide to begin a prescription hCG diet program, they will begin seeing excess body fat melting away without any discomfort or dieting unease. In fact, in a recent in-house survey, an overwhelming majority of Diet Doc patients, 97%, reported losing excess weight from hard to reach areas of the body without the cravings, fatigue or weakness often experienced when using other diet programs.

The first step toward ending the embarrassment of a fat belly is scheduling a simple phone consultation with one of Diet Doc’s specially trained physicians and identifying the underlying cause of weight gain. Unlike other hCG diet programs, the Diet Doc team spends time working with patients even before their hCG diet plan begins in order to isolate the problem and design a way to stop it from causing the clients to regain the weight they were able to successfully lose. Conducting consultations through telemedicine not only protects client privacy, it also allows patients to have unlimited access to a team of weight management professionals when they need weight loss help the most. Diet Doc’s competitors around the country, offering their weight loss help in clinics, cannot offer the same quality of service and they cannot offer equal results while still maintaining patient success.

Diet Doc also understands that eliminating a fat belly will take more than the weight loss help and support of weight control experts and developed exclusive hCG diet treatments that work with a healthy diet to rid patients of embarrassing body fat in hard to reach areas of their body. While early research and studies uncovered the numerous benefits and weight loss help that hCG provides to dieters who want to rid themselves of their fat belly, dieters were also encouraged to follow a dangerously low caloric intake of only 500 calories per day. Diet Doc is one of the most advanced hCG diets available on today’s market because they took this earlier research, spent time and money increasing its effectiveness and safety and now offer hCG diet treatments that target stored fat while allowing patients the ability to consume a diet of almost double the original plans. Because of the time, money and training necessary to modernize their hCG diet treatments, Diet Doc competitors have yet to take this important step toward patient safety.

This personalized approach to eliminating a fat belly has already helped thousands of Diet Doc patients across the United States safely and easily lose weight, with many dieters losing up to almost a pound of excess body fat per day.

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Media Relations Contact

Alyssa Gojmerac
Natural Health Research

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