Let the Local News Market Your Medical Practice

Local media can produce remarkable articles and videos that enhance your community reputation and web presence.

Kansas City, MO -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/28/2010 -- Marketing can be expensive. That’s why medical practices should cultivate relationships with those who can give them free exposure- the media. Not only will prospective and current patients see your staff being used as experts on TV and in articles, they will absorb media that is usually much higher quality than you can turn out from your office. These pieces can get your name out and easily be shared through your web site and social media pages.

There are tricks to getting media coverage. First, you must call your local stations and newspapers and ask who covers the health beat. When you talk to them, you’ll want their email address to send them future press releases. Press releases are just a few paragraphs explaining the story you’re pitching and why it’s newsworthy. Be sure to tell the reporter what your staff specializes in, and that they are welcome to use them as experts in future stories. This means your staff will also have to be flexible; stories are often filmed or written within one day, and if you are the expert, you will need to make time for an interview on short notice. “Flexibility with the media has both immediate and long-term payoffs. Immediately, you gain exposure and recognition. In the long term, the reporter remembers you as a source that is easy to work with and available. This means they will likely use you for other stories in the future,” says Jamie Verkamp, partner at (e)Merge.

Now that you’ve built a rapport with your local health reporters, you’ll need to find story ideas to pitch. Media outlets will not consider your story if it is too promotional, uninteresting, or has no impact on the community. Ask yourself, “What makes our practice unique? Why are we a big deal?” Do you have cutting edge technology no one else in the area uses? Does one of your patients have a miraculous story they want to share? Are you seeing a spike in a certain disease or condition? Are you doing something to give back? Verkamp also suggests looking for seasonal opportunities. “You can do free flu shots to promote safety during flu season. In the spring, host a forum about allergy management. Even if the media has bigger stories to tend to that day, the community will appreciate the outreach.”

(e)Merge is a medical practice growth consulting firm specializing in providing innovative, patient-centric marketing initiatives and medical mystery shopping services that enhance patient experiences to increase referrals. Programs are designed to strategically achieve sustained patient volume growth for medical practices and health organizations. For more information, call 1.877.362.6584 or visit http://www.emergewithus.com.

Media Relations Contact

Linsey Grams

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