Utah Chiropractor & Naturopath Association Endorses LifeTimeVibe.com Whole-Body-Vibration Technology the Preferred Knee Pain & Muscle Strengthening Relief Machine

Fielding Utah Chiropractor and Naturopath Association Endorses LifeTimeVibe.com Whole-Body-Vibration Technology the Preferred Knee Pain and Muscle Strengthening Relief Machine for Residents in Roy


Fielding, UT -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/22/2014 --Whole body vibration exploded onto the health front with revolutionary ways to improve your personal well-being through vibration technology. Whole body vibration devices that provide health and beauty benefits have been researched extensively in recent years. Studies performed at NASA found that vibration technology can help prevent the dramatic muscle deterioration and bone loss astronauts experience in the weightless environment in space. Notable physicians who performed the NASA study believe that whole body vibration technology holds promise not only for astronauts, but for others experiencing bone or muscle deterioration as well. LifetimeVibe is designed, engineered, and built in the USA.

To Contact Owner, Vicki Honey:
(801) 901-1117

LifetimeVibe: The Mercedes of whole body vibration machines. Welcome to LifetimeVibe -- the highest quality whole body vibration machine built. Many experts in the field of Whole Body Vibration were consulted throughout the development of LifetimeVibe including chiropractic doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, registered nurses and vibration machine users. These users of Whole Body Vibration were also interviewed and asked to test the many aspects of LifetimeVibe over several months. Their suggestions and ideas have been incorporated into the final look, feel, usability, and patented technology that finalized the creation of LifetimeVibe.

LifetimeVibe Whole Body Vibration Machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rLubumOGs0

Benefits of using a LifetimeVibe machine: Burn Excess Fat and tone and tighten skin. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) output increased by up to 400%. Increase muscle strength - as much as 50% in as little as 3 weeks. Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Builds bone density and fights osteoporosis. Increase metabolism, helping to burn fat and raise energy levels. Decreases cellulite and improves natural collagen levels. Reduces back and joint pain. Decrease blood pressure and cortisol levels. Dramatically increase flexibility. Improved sense of balance and coordination. Elevates serotonin levels (better mood and sense of well-being using vibration exercise).

LifetimeVibes’ whole body vibration is being used by physical therapy centers, spas, and clinics to help alleviate debilitating symptoms. Vibration training is growing and evolving quickly throughout the world. Here is information and tips that will help you become educated on the benefits of vibration fitness therapy:

Scientific & NASA Studies:
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/elderlyStudy.pdf
http://www. science1.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast02nov_1/
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/Texas%20U%20Research.pdf

Increased Bone Density Results:
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/ortho09.pdf
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/germanyUniversity.pdf
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/boneAndSpaceflight.doc
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/boneTissue.pdf

Improved Strength Results:
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/strength.pdf
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/explosiveStrength.pdf
http;//www. generationplate.com/reports/keithDeOrio.doc
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/strengthIncrease.pps

Balance & Stability Increases:
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/ortho08.pdf
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/ortho02.pdf
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/exposure.pdf
http://www. generationplate.com/reports/americanCollege.pdf

Other Investigative Research:
http://www. articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/07/01/whole-body-vibration-does-your-bones-and-muscles-good.aspx
http://www. vibrationexercise.ca/vibration-exercise-machine-buyer-guide.htm

The original intended benefit of LifetimeVibe’s Vibration Exercise Therapy was increased bone density and muscle strength, but the first advantage noticed was a dramatic increase in flexibility and total range of motion. The quick contractions of muscle fiber not only created flexibility, but toned muscle and improved wellness.

WebMD's renown Professor Barbara Resnick, PhD, is one of hundreds of professionals who have endorsed Whole Vibration Exercise as an effective treatment of osteoporosis after a research study. The test group participated in 3 Wholebody Vibration sessions per week, consisting of 6 one-minute bouts of low-frequency vibration, with 1-minute rest between bouts. After 8 months, Bone Mass Density in the WBV group increased by 4.3% (P = .011) further, the group also increased their balance by 29%. LifetimeVibe’s professional and safe machine demonstrates that their vibration exercise machines can be more effective than the poplar medications on the market.


About LifetimeVibe
LifetimeVibe--the highest quality whole body vibration machine built. Many experts in the field of Whole Body Vibration were consulted throughout the development of LifetimeVibe including chiropractic doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, registered nurses, and of course, vibration machine users! These users of Whole Body Vibration were also interviewed and asked to test the many aspects of LifetimeVibe over several months. Their suggestions and ideas have been incorporated into the final look, feel, usability, and patented technology that finalized the creation of LifetimeVibe. Designed, engineered, and built in the USA!
Whole body vibration has exploded onto the health front with revolutionary ways to improve your personal well-being through vibration technology! Whole body vibration devices that provide health and beauty benefits have been researched extensively in recent years. Studies performed at NASA, for example, found that vibration technology can help prevent the dramatic muscle deterioration and bone loss astronauts experience in the weightless environment in space. Physicians who performed the NASA study believe that whole body vibration technology holds promise not only for astronauts, but for others experiencing bone or muscle deterioration as well.

Media Relations Contact

Adam Green
G3 Development

View this press release online at: http://rwire.com/488178