Swept Away TV receives a Grant from Journeys Shoes and SHINE.

Boca Raton, FL -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/30/2006 -- Swept Away TV, a not for profit youth media program, announced today the receipt of a grant from Journeys Shoes and the SHINE program. Swept Away TV is a youth media program run entirely by young people who write, direct, produce and act in a 30 minute weekly television and internet program. Students involved with Swept Away TV developed a program to collect and distribute music cds to troops stationed in Iraq.

The SHINE program awards grants to programs that embrace diversity, teach tolerance and affect positive social change. Swept Away TV along with the Delray Beach Teen Center and Forgotten Soldiers collected music cds and other tolietry items to box and ship to servicemen and women in Iraq. Members of all 3 organizations packed boxes and made cards to send to the soliders abroad. The grant will enable the program, called Music for the Troops, to continue.

Swept Away TV, headed by college freshman Zac Rich, along with director Jeff Hendler and Producer Amanda Rich, is a not for profit organization formed to provide youth with career experiences and training in media. Formed in 2000, the organization has produced 6 seasons of their award-winning television series Swept Away TV.

Alumni of the program have gone on to college scholarships at prestigious universities such as the University of Miami, Florida State University, and New York University and have worked for companies such as MTV, VH1, Comedy Central and PBS. The young production company has done interviews with over 300 rock stars such as Maroon 5, Fall out Boy, John Mayer, Hoobastank, Taking Back Sunday and Avril Lavigne. They produce weekly podcasts which are available for free download online at the Itunes Store.

"We are always looking for cast and crew members with diverse viewpoints and ideas," said Rich, 19. "We have college students who drive 5 hours to meet and shoot with us. "Every year we have students from Orlando, Gainsville and Jacksonville who are part of our cast and crew, and they say they wouldn't miss it!" said Zac. Interested young people can contact the show through their website at www.sweptawaytv.com or by email at sweptawaytv@bellsouth.net.

Learn more...www.sweptawaytv.com

About Swept Away TV
Swept Away TV is a not for profit 501c3 formed to promote media education and training for young people. Based in Boca Raton Florida, the organization works with over 3000 students each school year. 22 Episodes of Swept Away TV are produced each school year and distributed to 64 television marketsin the US.

Website: http://www.sweptawaytv.com

Journeys Shoes and SHINE

SHINE (Seeking Harmony in Neighborhoods Everyday) is a SHINE is a non-profit organization that helps young people use music, art, technology and sports to take a stand, use your voice and impact your world. Journeys supports SHINE and is committed to handing out thousands of dollars in grants to individuals who want to make a positive impact on their community. Check out www.journeys.com/shine for more information about Journeys Shoes and Shine.

Website: http://www.shine.com/

Swept Away TV
Zac Rich
email: sweptawaytv@bellsouth.net
phone: 561-241-9110

Swept Away TV
Nancy Rich
email: nrich@sweptawaytv.co
phone: 561-504-4995

Media Relations Contact

Nancy Rich

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