Launches Innovative Coaching Program With Message for Women: ‘Stand In Your Power’

Bobo’s purpose is to provide a safe haven and effective tools for women to stand in their power. She facilitates women to connect to the personal power within based on three facets; embrace, embody and emanate.

Santa Cruz, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/13/2010 -- Founder of, Charlon Bobo, today announced the official launch of a new coaching program: Stand In Your Power 1-on-1™. Using a diverse blend of personal and professional experiences in alignment with her unique personal calling, Bobo’s purpose is to provide a safe haven and effective tools for women to stand in their power. She facilitates women to connect to the personal power within based on three facets; embrace, embody and emanate.

Her skill set is uniquely comprised to equip women during the shift from patriarchy to the New Age. She provides unconditional support for smooth, satisfying and dramatic transitions. With an ever-growing global focus on women’s empowerment, during the Vancouver Peace Summit, the Dalai Lama recently proclaimed, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” As a key player in the paradigm shift, Bobo is responding to the needs of individual women. She says, “There are many organizations assisting women on a grand scale including Unplug From The Patriarchy, BraveHeart Women, Ladies Who Launch, Feminine Power, Women on the Edge of Evolution, and Women Waking The World. It is my passion—and directive—to assist women one-on-one because sometimes you need someone who’s willing to dig in the garden of your life with you, right by your side; someone dedicated to your unique experience.” Bobo’s clients are women who are ready to embrace their true nature—power—but who may require additional support in the form of encouragement, techniques or accountability.

Charlon says, “There is so much more for women to discover right now than learning to say, “No,” trying to find balance, or overcoming fear. Plenty of us are clear on boundaries, assertive about getting our needs met, and committed to creating ultimate fulfillment in every area of our lives. I serve as a willing catalyst for this adventure and exploration. One distinct expression of the feminine is the support we give each other. For any woman who’s ready right now to experience more enthusiastic support, more genuine encouragement, more skillful insight, more proven tools, more valued resources, more of everything it takes to stand in your power, these services were developed just for you! It’s an exciting time to be a creator of our collective future and every woman has a contribution to make.” For the past two decades, Bobo has shown women how to heal trauma, evolve and take quantum leaps, and learn to live life in celebration. She assists women in understanding how false beliefs erode our quality of life and how to permanently shift beliefs that don’t serve them. Whether clients’ needs fall under the category of consulting, collaborating, brainstorming, championing, cheerleading or coaching, Bobo provides a focused, spirit-guided, objective and knowledgeable perspective based on a solid and diverse skill set.

For more information, visit Charlon Bobo is a best-selling author, entrepreneurial visionary and empowermentor and as well as a copywriter, editor and online marketer. Affectionately known as the 'conscious entrepreneur' Bobo develops high-impact marketing materials for conscious business owners and empowers women worldwide with her acclaimed 1-on-1 coaching; Stand In Your Power™. See more at and

Charlon Bobo, Owner
Standing In Power
Santa Cruz, CA

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Charlon Bobo
Standing In Power

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