Attorney Brian E. Simoneau Launches a Melanie's Law Awareness Campaign

Attorney Brian E. Simoneau reports individuals remain confused about how the law will affect them, making legal representation critical at this time

Framingham, MA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 10/16/2014 --The state of Massachusetts opted to increase the penalties on drunk driving by enacting Melanie's Law on October 28, 2005. Individuals find they no longer have to be convicted of drunk driving to be penalized under this law. as even those refusing a breathalyzer test run the risk of having their license suspended for 180 days for the first offense. Anyone at risk of being penalized under this law after being pulled over on the suspicion of drunk driving needs to seek legal representation immediately, and Attorney Brian E. Simoneau is ready to help.

"Drivers within the state need to understand the consequences they will be facing if they are pulled over for the possibility of drunk driving. Individuals find they must take this test or risk losing their license for anywhere from 180 days to the rest of their lives. Those who are convicted of drunk driving after refusing this test quickly learn the breathalyzer refusal suspension is completely separate from the DUI suspension, meaning they will do without their license for an extended period of time," Attorney Brian E. Simoneau explains.

When one is convicted under Melanie's Law, they may request a hardship or cinderella license. This license allows the person to drive for work purposes, and drivers may only request this type of license upon settlement of their case. Upon completion of the legal case, the driver must request a hearing with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.

As Simoneau points out, individuals need to understand they cannot apply for a hardship license immediately. For this reason, those individuals planning to plead guilty need to do so in a timely manner. Doing without a driver's license places a burden on the person, one which may be relieved by a hardship license. For those who choose to fight their case, an attorney helps to move the process along, so the accused can get his or her license back quickly and resume normal activities.

In addition, Melanie's Law established new offenses for those operating under the influence. For example, individuals convicted of operating under the influence who choose to drive again and are pulled over find they are now facing two charges, one for operating under the influence and one for operating under the influence with a suspended license. The law calls for a mandatory jail sentence in this situation.

"Driving under the influence and operating under the influence are serious crimes, and one needs legal representation to mount the proper defense. Penalties tend to be very severe, as the state understands the risks associated with an individual driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Set up an appointment today to review the facts of the case and determine which defense is most likely to be successful. Although the charges may not be dropped completely, they can often be reduced to minimize the consequences of the driver's actions," Simoneau states.

About Attorney Brian E. Simoneau
Attorney Brian E. Simoneau assists clients in Massachusetts get back on the road with the help of a hardship license. Mr. Simoneau reviews the client's situation and explains how the license may be reinstated as a hardship license. Mr. Simoneau continue to offer this service, doing so for many years and countless clients. In certain situations, a full license reinstatement may be possible, and it never hurts to make the request, with the help of Brian E. Simoneau.

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