Tim Lantz Seeks Crowdfunding to Help Him Return to His Roots in California

At a point in his life where hard choices must be made – Tim Lantz chooses to be homeless in California.


St Louis, MO -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/19/2014 --Tim Lantz is an actor and screenwriter that's been working hard for fifteen years to realize his passion. A visit to his IMDB page (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4718013/) makes it clear that his acting roles in the films Love Stalker, The Year after Infection, and Fatal Call helped him reach a new level in personal and professional achievement.

Triumph turned into tragedy for Tim over the past year as he totaled his car suffering back injuries. Unable to work or otherwise function, his problems spread to his falling behind on his rent and his child support. Whatever job Tim could find only put 50% of what he earned in his pocket because the state takes the rest. That leaves Tim with some money to pay his electric bill and buy some food but that's about it. There's not enough left over for rent. Tim is facing an eviction date roughly two weeks away.

About Tim Lantz
Tim decided that if he has to be homeless, he'd be without a home in California – his original home and where his passions lie. At age 50 Tim feels he's spinning his wheels and has decided it's now or never to take his acting and screenwriting career to the next evolutionary step. Far from being a wistful dreamer, Tim's goal are realistic. That's because he's got a possible acting gig set up in January. On top of that a production company has shown interest in one of his scripts. Tim needs to get to California to explore these new possibilities.

Tim turned to crowdfunding to get the public support he needs to help him pursue his passions in finding acting and writing jobs which will allow him to do right by his children and pay off his debts. Funds raised will be used to help him secure a place to live, buy a reliable used car to get him around town and feed himself. He bought his bus ticket and has a little set aside towards food and his first month's rent. He hopes to meet and even exceed his crowdfunding goal so he has some money set aside towards future rent payments and a small amount of savings to help deal with unexpected emergencies that won't distract him from getting his life back on track.

The California or Bust GoFundMe Page - http://bit.ly/1BYorCk

Media Relations Contact

Howard Sherman

View this press release online at: http://rwire.com/570288