Online FAX Service Proves 'Everything's Bigger in Texas'

Company giving away 30-day trials to celebrate success.

Austin, TX -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/14/2015, the online fax service trusted by more than 50,000 individuals and companies, has finalized plans to provide free 30-day trials of its plan subscriptions. Research and development for the project has been underway since last year, and is now complete. Confirmed launch date is April 15th, 2015.

Taxes with Faxes, the leading online fax service provider, has timed its free trial release with the rush on tax season. Company officials sympathize with customers who suddenly find themselves faced with moving time-sensitive, signature-dependent mounds of paperwork around their various offices and operations this time of year. Even the casual user will find the simple interface more convenient than typical fax services. All major platforms and browsers are supported by, making it a breeze to use at home, work, or on the go.

About FAX
FAX is still a vital service for people and businesses today, despite all the advances in technology. Some people still have the old-school fax machine right there on the desk, next to the computer. Many businesses built their operations around faxes, with documents that had to be scanned and have official features such as signatures and notarization. Sadly, many people do not realize that faxing has entered the modern age, and is available on all of the new devices; thanks to Customers can even get their own local telephone number for incoming faxes that will go straight to their email address. Customers can also get a toll-free number as part of the service. The free 30-day trial which is giving away is unrestricted, which means that individuals and companies alike will be able to take unlimited advantage of every component of the online subscription during that time. There is no contract, so customers can cancel at anytime.

"We're finding that people do not want to give up the service once they try it." Said the company spokesman. "That's why we don't want to rope them in with any type of contract." The offer runs for a limited time, so customers are encouraged to sign up now.

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Tol Bayo

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