Amidst Housing Quagmire, Real Estate Pro Mark Bradley Sees Bright Spot in Bulk REO

An insider’s look on the burgeoning viability of bulk REO real estate investing that’s been penetrating the market even as housing sector debacle lurks behind major recovery efforts and why the real message has only now begun to emerge.

St. Louis, MO -- (ReleaseWire) -- 10/12/2010 -- With evidence suggesting that government interference in the housing market might be doing more harm than good as current legislation continues to bring in real estate market nightmare, the hope and dreams of many real estate entrepreneurs seem almost dashed.

But one need not look far for information on real estate investing. The question Mark Bradley asks and so should you is this: are you really getting the full story? And if the mainstream media provides any clues, the answer is no.

The big guys have once again gotten the lion share of the bailouts and the little ones were left out in the cold. But there is a way out—one sure way to reincarnate real estate moneymaker where everyone can get their money and keep it—it’s called Bulk REO.

REO or “real estate owned properties” refers to assets a bank or lender owns after foreclosing on a property. Bulk REO is a group of REOs that a bank or lender groups together for sale.

Bulk REO are below Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and Broker Price Opinion (BPO), thus, turning out cheaper than private sellers and auctions, and are a fraction of any approved short sale price. And the little known fact is that they are accessible to everyone and anyone–even without cash or credit.

Mark Bradley, a leading expert in Bulk REO real estate investment revealed, “It’s time we separate fact from fiction, and myths from truths. The real story here is that Bulk REOs offer real estate investors an excellent chance to regroup and get back to the horse.”

Bradley pointed out that Bulk REOs are usually sold for a small fraction of the real value. And to recover some money, he said banks often auction them off in a bulk at steeply discounted prices.

“Bulk REO investing is based on the relationships with key Bulk REO market players. Your end is to act as broker to the buyer or the seller and charge a fee, and you can represent them at the same time. There’s nothing simpler than that,” Bradley, a professional property investor explained.

Facing the burden of low housing prices and depreciation costs, banks usually want to dispose of bulk REO’s lest they keep footing the tab for associated costs like taxes, maintenance, insurance and utilities and in the end, getting investors that offer substandard prices.

“Banks want money not the bills,” Bradley noted, adding that, “they have no financial gain by having properties on the books.”

He went further by stressing, “real estate investors want the properties to get money by giving other people bills. And at the fraction of the cost, it’s a sweet deal, so everyone wins.”

Despite how sweet bulk REO may seem, however, Bradley indicated some words of caution. “To avoid loopholes, sinkholes and investing too much too soon, Bulk REO investment requires training that offers easy, concrete and solid strategies on maximizing investments and avoiding risks.”

He also cited that the bulk REO training lets real estate entrepreneurs increase profit from $15,000 to five to ten times of that per sale, while getting them to the groove of ‘how to close a deal fast.’

“The most wonderful thing about bulk REO training is that anyone can do it. And as the learning curve builds up on acquired skills, it affords anyone with a one way ticket to what is dear and near to all our hearts—money,” Bradley asserted.

But just like in any business, the secret of how to go about it is limited to the lucky few who have either figured it out on their own and those who have actually decided to go trough with the training.

To learn more about how bulk REOs had been seizing viable housing market opportunities, visit and get four video series on how to make $997,323 in equity on one deal with bulk REO investing, and the 50-page Top Secret Bulk REO Insider Secrets Profit Guide.

“Bulk REO is a great opportunity to make money and join the ranks of recession millionaires. The catch is tread carefully, get training, make good picks, go slow and Bulk REO investing can turn a sometimes profit, into a great profit,” Bradley concluded.

About Ultimate Bulk REO Secrets
On average 278,297 bank owned properties remain unsold with over 300,000 added to banks inventory of REO properties each month. Mark Bradley teaches investors how to take advantage of this huge back log of bank owned real estate.

For more information and an (insider’s opinion on what is really going on in today’s real estate market) sure to be an interesting, informative and maybe controversial interview bookings please contact:

Media Relations Contact

Mark Bradley
Real Estate Investor
Ultimate Bulk REO

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