Spyxel Launches New Web Analytics Tool to Help Webmasters Get Deep Insights Into User Behavior

Spyxel is a brand new web analytics tool looking to dethrone Google Analytics as the ultimate web insights suite, creating data driven behavioral analyses that can drive growth and greater success.

San Francisco, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 05/26/2015 --Creating a website is one thing, but creating a consistently successful online presence is another thing entirely. How users interact with a website is essential to understanding its strengths and weaknesses, and allows webmasters to know where they should create new content or even add new products. However, far from complaining to webmasters, users will simply vote with their actions and choose a competitor instead if a user experience is poor. Spyxel is a new website analytics tool that offers the most profound and powerful analyses available today, and can help webmasters reinvent their sites according to how people like to use them.

Spyxel provides its users with daily updates comprising a comprehensive collection of recorded data, and saves that data in the system for a lifetime. All user activity on the website is recorded, from the moment the user enters the site until they leave it.

With Spyxel, individuals can therefore capture and analyze all mouse clicks, moves, scrolls and receive data about user location, IP address, type of internet browser, and even the operating system a user used to enter the site and more. With this information individuals can begin to establish patterns of behavior, which can guide site redesign and optimization for superior performance.

A spokesperson for Spyxel explained, "Session playbacks, heatmap analytics and events reporting combine to create a three dimensional understanding of website interactions. This is not a series of dry data but a real insight about how visitors interact with a site, showing exactly what gets them excited and what turns them away from a site, these insights are truly business changing for anyone who acts upon the information. Because we offer lifetime data storage, longitudinal analysis is also available for the first time ever, helping people compare months and years against one another to ensure that new approaches are not just performing better than the last, but are the best ever. This enables people to model their sites with user experience first and foremost, which in turn converts more leads into sales and leads to greater success for online businesses. We are excited to share the future with users all over the world."

About Spyxel
Spyxel is an irreplaceable user behavior service and web-analytics tool that enables users to improve site usability understand customers better than ever. With easy integration, user-friendly interface, user session playbacks and lifetime data storage, Spyxel has everything required to make websites more successful than ever.

For more information please visit: https://spyxel.com/

Media Relations Contact

Joe Bragg

View this press release online at: http://rwire.com/600515