New CEO Publishes a Free Report for Condo Volunteers

"Life's Too Short to Be a Condo Volunteer Unless You Take These 10 Steps to Enjoy It" is free to anyone taking on this role, announces

Chicago, IL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/13/2015 --The new Executive Vice-President and CEO of First Community Management, Lou Lutz, announces the release of a free report through the Condo Board Help website for anyone interested in serving as a condo board volunteer. The report, entitled "Life's Too Short to Be a Condo Volunteer Unless You Take These 10 Steps to Enjoy It" reveals the secrets to being a successful member of a condo board and enjoying it. The goal is to provide condominium association management assistance to condo board members, and anyone volunteering in this capacity, to ensure the successful governing of their homeowners association.

"Condo prices have returned to June 2003 levels, an 18.2 percent drop from prices seen in September 2007 when they peaked, and prices are up 4.2 percent from the same time period the previous year. As prices are going up, residents will expect more from the condo board and one must understand how to go about taking on a position on the board without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. This report is of great help to those wishing to take on this responsibility," Lou Lutz, spokesperson for Condo Board Help, announces.

The report covers topics such as things one should never do at a board meeting and three keys to taking meeting minutes. One learns questions to ask when making a hard decision and how to avoid personal involvement when it comes to sensitive topics. These are only a few of the areas covered in this helpful report, which provides a wealth of knowledge.

"One will never satisfy all residents. Anyone wishing to serve on the board must realize this, as multiple owners are brought together under one umbrella. Each owner has their own needs and the board must determine the right move for the development as a whole, while taking into consideration the needs of individual residents. Doing so is never an easy task, as someone is always going to be unhappy. The role of the board is to try to minimize the dissatisfaction of residents while doing what is best for the entire group," Lutz explains.

Board members need to know about real estate taxes, budgets, collections, maintenance and more. In addition to providing the free report mentioned above, Condo Board Help offers others tools and resources designed to assist board members. One may wish to download the "What You Need to Know to Become an Association Board Member in 90 Minutes". This informative document covers numerous other topics of importance.

"The report offers property management help for individuals already seated on a condo board and those who are looking to run for a position. The document functions in much the same way, yet covers the basics of running a condo association. The more one knows, the easier it becomes to fulfill their duties. Many run for a spot on the board only to find it entails more than they envisioned. For those who find they aren't pleased with the role they have been asked to take on, the report provides guidance on how to make the position gratifying." Lutz states.

About Condo Board Help
Lou Lutz, and Condo Board Help, assist condominium board members and other volunteers to successfully govern their condo association.

Media Relations Contact

Lou Lutz

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