Doncaster Airport Car Parking Expert Says Holidaymakers Should Compare Parking Prices

UK Airport Car Parks (UK-ACP) has announced holidaymakers flying from Doncaster Airport can reduce the cost of their airport car parking needs.

Doncaster, UK -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/24/2015 --It was recently reported that airports in the UK are one of the most expensive around the world. However, holidaymakers are still paying those prices without checking to see if they can get a better deal. One Doncaster airport car parking company who is determined to provide holidaymakers with a better deal has today announced during the summer months; holidaymakers can reduce the cost of parking at an airport by up to 60%.

UK Airport Car Parks ( provides consumers with an airport parking comparison site where they can compare all the available airport car parks at Doncaster Airport and airport around the UK. The comparison tool provides consumers with the best deals and during the summer months, it can help holidaymakers save up to 60% off the cost of parking at Doncaster Airport and other airports.

Chris Fryer from UK Airport Car Parks said: "Holidays can be expensive during the summer months, and although we cannot bring down the cost of a package holiday, we can help people save money on airport parking."

A recent report found that the majority of holidaymakers do not compare the price of an airport parking facility. It found that people are booking an airport car park facility without searching for a better deal. However, according to the car parking experts this is a huge and expensive mistake.

It only takes less than a minute to compare all the available airport parking facilities at Doncaster Airport and other airports around the UK. The consumer puts in the search engine the airport they are flying from, the dates and the times, and then the comparison tool brings up all the best available offers.

As well as searching for the best prices on airport car parking, the comparison tool also searches for the best travel insurance prices.

To learn more about, and how to save money at Doncaster Airport, please visit or to learn how to save money on travel insurance, please visit

About UK Airport Car Parks
UK Airport Car Parks provides car owners with a comparison site that allows them to find secure airport car parks at up to 60% cheaper than the normal price.

Media Contact:
UK Airport Car Parks
York, YO1 9RA
0774 059 4552

Media Relations Contact

Chris Fryer
Media Relations
UK Airport Car Parks
0774 059 4552

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