More Than Physio Treats Injuries, Chronic Conditions and Disease Syndromes


Armadale, Australia -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/29/2015 --Patients have a complete complement of services at More Than Physio to alleviate pain, treat injuries and provide rehabilitation. Practitioners provide a head to toe solution, from craniosacral therapy to podiatry to maintain mobility, treat chronic conditions and disease syndromes.

Exercise is the best treatment for mobility and rehabilitation, but it doesn't have to be vigorous and exhausting to be effective. The practice administers clinical Pilates, a low-impact physical therapy method. It builds core and pelvic strength for increased balance, stability and endurance. It's safe for pregnant women and beneficial for addressing chronic diseases, musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, and to improve sports performance.

GaitScan™ orthotic technology enables the practice to diagnose the exact location of injuries and dysfunction with pinpoint accuracy. It identifies movement patterns that are detrimental to performance and result in pain in other areas of the body. With GaitScan™ technology, clinicians can locate areas that may be a concern in the future and create custom orthotics to correct gait dysfunction and a variety of painful conditions.

The clinic's podiatrists specialise in an extensive array of conditions ranging from knock-knees, bow-legs and pigeon-toes, along with fungal infections, mobility difficulties and conditions specific to chronic disease. Sports related injuries, fractures and stress conditions, and childhood foot conditions are all treated for optimal functioning.

Physiotherapy employs multiple techniques to ease pain and restore functionality. Practitioners provide post-surgical rehabilitation, treatment for injuries sustained in vehicle accidents, sports injuries and pain throughout the body. Joint mobilisation and manipulation is beneficial when patients can't fully participate in therapy and for retraining muscles following extended periods of inactivity.

Electrotherapy, taping, and dry needling may be employed singly or in combination with other therapies. Trigger point therapy relieves knots that can form in muscles and ergonomic advice is available to assist patients reduce the risk of injuries.

Therapeutic massage is effective for relieving pain, aiding in rehabilitation, and maintaining mobility. It's especially beneficial for those who have developed scar tissue and patients experiencing difficulties with their lymphatic systems. It boosts the immune system and improves circulation to accelerate healing.

Craniosacral therapy focuses on the nervous system to treat neurological and chronic conditions. It's beneficial for treating TMJ disorder, migraines, and PTSD, along with chronic fatigue syndrome and injuries of the brain and spinal cord.

About More Than Physio
More Than Physio provides patients with non-invasive methods to heal, alleviate pain, and restore function throughout the body. Individuals suffering with chronic conditions and problems associated with ongoing disease syndromes will find relief and healing with the myriad of services at the clinic.

For more information, call 03 9824 8868 or visit More Than Physio online.

Darron Goralsky
More than physio
Phone: +61(03) 9824-8868
Armadale, Victoria, Australia

Media Relations Contact

Darron Goralsky

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