Man Starts Crowdfunding Campaign but Doesn't Want Any Money

Cortney Martin is making a documentary film about starting a production company. He has just started a Kickstarter campaign to raise necessary funds for the making of this documentary.


Pensacola, FL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/28/2015 --Cortney Jerome Martin is busy creating a documentary titled "How to Start a Production Company." Cortney aspires to start his own production company that will focus on producing different types of media like movies, videos, music, etc. By creating a production company, he wants to help people with amazing talents and aspirations pursue their dream. It will also be a platform where these talented individuals can stay connected with like minded folks.

Mr. Martin's passion for his vision goes far beyond what is usually seen in the crowdfunding world. That's because he quit his job and sold everything he owns to make his dream a reality. Nothing shows Cortney's sincerity more than the very low Kickstarter goal. His funding goal, perhaps one of the lowest in Kickstarter history, is a very modest $100 with a single crowdfunding of perk $1. Why would someone quit their job, scrape together every last dollar to their name to launch a Kickstarter project with a funding goal far lower than a weekly pay check?" I chose Kickstarter because I wasn't looking for money. I thought that if I came to a place where the main focus was money and asked for something else, that people would pay attention. I thought if I could find 100 people who believed in my idea, that I could be successful", Cortney explains.

There are many production companies around the world that have been created around the same idea. Some may remember that actor, singer and filmmaker Joseph Gordon-Levitt recently launched a production company with a similar objective. However, Cortney claims that there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts. "The big difference between our projects is that my project centers around its members being in the same physical space and his is internet based. I think it's cool we both want to do the same thing and arrive at similar conclusions," he states.

Highlighting the primary objective of this campaign, Cortney says, "Well, if someone expresses an interest in working with me, I plan on coordinating a meet up with them to include them in the documentary and I plan on using the money to help cover the traveling expenses. If by chance this project raises beyond the 100$ goal, I'll use the money to upgrade my equipment in order to create a better product and if it goes up to some ridiculous number then I'm going to try to secure a work space for the company."

This crowdfunding campaign ends on September 6th.

To find out more about this campaign, please visit

About Cortney Jerome Martin
Cortney aspires to start his own production company that will focus on producing different types of media like movies, videos, music, etc. By creating a production company, he wants to help people with amazing talents and aspirations pursue their dream. Cortney is currently engaged in producing a documentary film about starting a production company.

Media Relations Contact

Howard Sherman

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