How to Choose the Right IT Support Company in Fresno

Finding information on how to choose an accountant, lawyer or financial planner is easy. But why is it so hard to find good advice on choosing an IT company?


Fresno, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/03/2015 --Each of the professions above has their own industry body that publishes a standards checklist. Yet when it comes to IT - it doesn't even have a governing association. IT has become such a wide-ranging profession that no one association has found a way to bring them all under one umbrella.

When we consider that has 21 different sub-categories of IT positions and that doesn't take into account that each sub-category (like Networking Engineer) could be dealing with more than ten substantially separate technologies with unique training and experience needs, then we realise even NATO would have trouble administering this industry.

So how do we search for an IT company that will meet our criteria? Do we look for a reseller? System integrator? Value added reseller? A managed service provider, a solution provider, consultancy, a support centre? How about a cloud or datacentre specialist? How do we even know where to start?

Frustrated that this industry is failing to educate the very people it is supposed to help, we've developed a simple guide with 9 important tips help us in our search.

1- Size DOES matter

Our belief thanks to the advent of software as a service like Office 365, Xero and so on is that if we are a start-up or micro business with just a few staff we can literally operate our entire business without an IT person to help us day to day.

If on the other hand our business is a little larger then we need to consider some other points. For example, if we are the largest company that our IT people deal with, then that's great - we will be able to wield all the power. The problem here is that we are also the only example of a client our size that they're dealing with. So whilst we get the unique privilege of being at the top of the hill, we end up losing out on any cross experience benefits because the rest of our IT provider's clients are a lot smaller and hence have totally different challenges to us.

Our best scenario is to be one of many similar sized clients. If we are small but there are four or five other companies that the IT firm looks after who are the same size then that alone helps us avoid being isolated or worst still experimented on.

2- It's not Just About Experience

Whilst we would think a business with a lot of history behind it would be a solid choice it can also be the absolute worst company to partner with.

We all know companies who are dinosaurs in their industry yet somehow manage to hold on because their brand has been around for so long. The challenge in IT is that with the constant pressure of innovation and new technology, the older firms can sometimes get stuck in their ways.

So while a newer firm could provide us with a solution that is perfect for our situation the older firm might not do it that way because they still do business the same way they did five years ago.

Of course this begs the question, if we don't want a dinosaur looking after our IT support and neither do we want a toddler looking after our business, then who do we choose?

Given 95% of businesses fail in the first 5 years you want to at least work with someone who has beaten that statistic. But experience alone is not enough. You need to combine it with the core attribute of growth.

Most companies want an IT firm that can help them grow (in some way) so if the IT firm itself hasn't grown then you are potentially partnering with someone in business who doesn't know what is required to really support a growing firm.

This experience combined with growth mixture is a good benchmark to measure firms against. It may not apply to all situations but if it is part of a wider evaluation then it is extremely useful.

3- Owning a Hammer doesn't make them a carpenter

The IT industry is no different from any other where certain products or tools can deliver better outcomes for our company if the provider has them. Merely owning the tool, however, doesn't automatically qualify someone as an expert and, unfortunately especially in IT, just because they do doesn't mean our service will be better. At a minimum every IT firm should have professional service automation software, remote monitoring software and hopefully reporting software.

It is important to ask for a thorough walk through of how they utilize the software and what the benefit is for us and what we receive.

A common sample to request is the monthly report they send their clients about the status of their network. This way we can see what we would receive but, more significantly, whether the whole thing is just gobbledegook or actually has some meaningful information in it that will benefit us.

Ultimately the way they use the tools at their disposal is far more relevant to our business and what it means for how they support us. Without understanding every IT support tool under the sun, the best way to check if it makes a difference is to simply add it to the list of questions we ask their references. The easiest question to ask is "how have the tools they use saved them time or money and has it done anything specific they didn't receive from their previous IT support company?"

About IT Support Fresno Company Cloud1network
Cloud1Networks managed IT support services can be tailored to the needs of small and medium sized businesses regardless of the industry they operate in. Our professional support specialists understand the challenges and demands that companies have to deal with in an ever-evolving, highly competitive marketplace. We also understand how our IT infrastructure has to meet those needs as well. So when there is a problem with our IT system, we can't afford to wait. There's no need to stress. We'll be there to assist them on a 24/7/365 basis.

Our Approach

We strive to keep our approach to managed IT support services as cost-effective and efficient as possible so we have hired a staff of professionals who are highly qualified and skilled to do the job.

We have a variety of support tools at their disposal so that they are able to deploy:

a broad range of applications
detect problems
troubleshoot computer issues
updates and patches

In addition to the above, we can easily deploy new hardware in order to facilitate computer inventory and life cycle control while at the same time providing support for their company as well as the applications they are currently using.


It has long been recognized that the support features that a company provides to its clients and customers is what separates the better managed IT services providers from the rest.

Cloud1Networks is no exception. Our IT support features include the following:

Centralized support for security management, performance monitoring, reporting, and tracking
Coordination as needed with other IT departments
Cost-effective and predictable management of desktop IT support needs
Implementation of mandated IT guidelines and security policies
Licensing costs are waived for backup software for desktops
Providing customers with problem resolution and repair with onsite or remote support capabilities

Simplified IT Support Management for any Business

Cloud1Networks takes a progressive approach where the management of customer's IT infrastructure and support services is concerned. We work behind the lines to assist them in achieving their business goals by integrating managed support solutions that make their IT environment more streamlined for the success of their company's operations. When one partner with us, they will benefit from the way we manage everything from data network and structured voice cabling to desktop, laptop, and virtual server support.

Our skilled IT support professionals can provide them with exceptional innovation and value in order to help them achieve measurable performance and reliability results. Whether they have been considering the outsourcing of their IT system or have been searching for the highest quality integrated solution for infrastructure component support, Cloud1Networks can help. Let us show how our managed IT support specialists can deliver cost-effective, reliable, scalable, and secure 24/7/365 customer support services today. Call us today to know more about the services we offer. We'll be glad to be of assistance on all aspects of the IT services.

Good online technical support is provided by technicians who are prepared to do more than solve their immediate problem. By creating rapport with customers and understanding their exact needs an effective technician will be able to identify a holistic and sustainable solution to their computing needs. Because technicians have wide general experience in working with computer problems they are able to help them understand the technology in front of them and find ways to improve how they use it.

Online PC support service
The Internet allows for a technician to remotely log into our PC and through a "remote desktop" and work on our computer even they they may be sitting on the other side of the world. This technology saves time and money as a computer technician does not have to come all the way to their business to try and solve their IT problem.

Types of online PC support
Email support – PC support technicians will read your email and reply with a solution. This is usually handled by a "ticketing" system, also known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software that allows you to track the progress of your query.

Chat support – A lot of online PC support companies rely on having operating available to chat with customers online. Some companies specialize in providing an outsourced chat program so that a support company can focus on providing a service rather than building their own technology infrastructure.

Telephonic support – this is probably the most traditional method of online support. By calling a centre you are able to speak directly with a technician. Of course sometimes a call center can be overloaded which can lead to frustrating delays while you wait for your call to answered.

Support and sales
When you're considering purchasing computer hardware you should always first check that the company offers at least some sort of ongoing support. Competitive companies will provide this as a value-added service and you'll find that the ability to get help and advice becomes an indispensable part of your business success.

IT support Fresno, has been providing IT support services to the businesses of Fresno for over 10 years. We care about the partnerships we build. Many of our clients have been with us from day one. We consider ourselves more than just an IT company. We consider ourselves part of their team.

Our team of IT professionals assigned to deal with their business needs. We offer a wide range of IT services to ensure their business IT systems run smoothly. These services range from protecting their information from damage and loss, securing their IT infrastructure, maintaining servers PC and systems, designing and implementing network systems, protecting your business from viruses and malware, business continuity and disaster recovery, email messaging and collaboration servers, cloud services, telephone and VOIP services, remote backup, IT consultancy and IT support and management.

We are able to offer both fast and efficient on- site and remote support.

Support packages
We offer a wide range of IT support packages for the businesses of Fresno. Our IT support packages are designed to suit businesses of all sizes. Each package is scalable to your needs.

Our support packages are split into two different types, Reactive support and proactive support. Reactive support means that when something goes wrong. We are there for you, and we fix it quickly. Proactive support means we work closely with you to ensure costly IT failures do not occur.

Our proactive support packages are the most popular with our clients. We work with you every step of the way to advise you about necessary changes to your IT systems. We intend to be with you for the long run. Our expert advice will save your business money and prevent costly IT failures.

Fresno Clients
Our clients are located in and around Fresno. We believe in providing a friendly and efficient service. Our reputation is built on trust and the excellent service we deliver. We have built fantastic relationships with the businesses of Oxford. We are members of the Fresno business community and regularly look to help the community when we can.

If you are an Fresno business, and would like to talk to us, please give us a call or complete the contact form below. We would love to hear from you.

Media Relations Contact

Paul Singh
IT Support Fresno

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