TGI’s VP Rebecca Gill Details Software Implementation Process

Toledo, OH -- (ReleaseWire) -- 05/23/2006 --“Software selection consists of five individual elements or phases within a much larger, overall process. The entire process itself can span months or even up to a year, depending on the number of internal resources available for the project. Starting the software selection process with the right project plan is key to choosing and implementing the best software for your organization’s individual needs,” according to Rebecca Gill, vice-president of Technology Group International.

The following outline is an excerpt from the Technology Group International (TGI) Software Selection Process Steps and Timeline white paper. This document represents a general process flow which may be tailored to fit any organization’s specific needs. The white paper details Software Selection Research and Planning, Software Requirements Identification and Request for Proposal Preparation, Software Supplier Evaluation, Software Supplier Selection, and Software Implementation.

Gill details the software implementation process:
• Form Joint Project Team with Supplier
• Define Project Charter
• Order System Hardware
• Install Hardware
• Install Database and Software
• Perform Initial User and Technical Training of Project Team
• Validate Software
• Review Current Processes and Create Work Flow Diagrams
• Perform Value Stream Analysis for Required Process Improvements
• Define System Data
o Populate Base Tables
o Cleanse Existing Data for Conversion
o Migrate Cleansed Data to New System
• Define System Reports
o Review Reports in Existing System
o Review Standard Reports in New System
o Prepare Customized Report Listing
o Create Customized Reports
• Define Modifications
o Review Value Stream Analysis and Work Flows for Required Modifications
o Request and Review Supplier Quotes for Modifications
o Authorize Necessary Modifications
o Test Completed Modifications
• Develop Integrated Test Plan
• Document New Policies and Procedures for Users
• Test System with Dual Path Approach if Necessary
• Finalize System Security
• Train Remaining Users and Technical Personnel
• Pilot System (Execution of Integrated Test Plan)
• Benchmark System Performance at Pilot
• System Sign Off
• Implement Remaining Locations
• Perform Post Implementation Review
o Perform Additional Training if Necessary
o Perform Additional Modifications if Necessary

Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, Technology Group International ( is a proven technology leader delivering Tier 1 application software functionality at a price performance level that can be readily accepted by wholesale distribution organizations of all sizes. A best-of-breed ERP software solution provides the basic footprint for managing the four trends outlined and Enterprise 21 offers functionality well beyond that of the standard distribution package. Enterprise 21 provides full ERP functionality with a fully integrated e-commerce module. It is one of the few ERP systems to meet the needs of today’s wholesale distribution without the need for expensive and time consuming modifications.

Technology Group International
Rebecca Gill

Media Relations Contact

Rebecca Gill
Vice President
Technology Group International

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