Laura's Sonoma Massage Reports Year-to-Date Increases in Sonoma County Therapeutic Massage Inquiries

This latest press release talks about the year-to-date increase in Sonoma County therapeutic massage inquiries received by Laura’s Sonoma Massage. A record number of people today are turning to therapeutic and natural remedies for a wide range of health related conditions. Laura’s Sonoma Massage has experienced many inquiries as a result in recent months.

Sonoma, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/30/2016 --Laura's Sonoma Massage, a dependable and respected source for the best in Sonoma healing massage therapy reports year-to-date increases in Sonoma County telephone and email inquiries for a wide range of professional services offered by Laura Roche. This large increase in inquiries is likely due to the growing awareness in people of all ages of the benefits of various natural healing modalities. From aromatherapy to meditation and yoga as well as Tai Chi and acupuncture in addition to acupressure, the general trend is moving toward healthier and less invasive wellness treatments. This is also likely due to a growing number of individuals who are wishing to avoid pharmaceutical medications and invasive surgery. From chiropractic care to massage therapy and hydrotherapy as well as many other types of treatment options, people are simply opting for healthier alternatives today.

Laura's Sonoma Massage has earned a respected reputation over the years for providing the absolute best in touch therapy or bodywork related services. In a rural, relaxing and calming environment situated in a cedar cabin, Laura's Sonoma Massage provides a level of therapeutic treatment not found in other more commercial spa environments. The synergistic effect of a rural setting submersed in nature results in clients enjoying greater benefits from therapeutic touch therapy than would otherwise be the case. Laura has stated on multiple occasions that, "we strive to ensure that our clients get the most out of each and every therapy session." Laura has a background as a registered nurse and has aligned with Big Tree School of Natural Healing on occasion to stay ahead of the latest advances in healing therapies including Chinese medicine.

With more people than ever before looking for natural alternatives to traditional medicine, therapeutic bodywork in Sonoma is becoming one of the best alternatives to more traditional treatments. When touch therapy is combined with innovative and unique treatments found in Chinese medicine and naturopathic treatment, for example, the end result can be quite impressive. Big Tree School of Natural Healing is one example of an organization that focuses on this type of natural healing mindset. This recent announcement with regard to year-to-date increases in Sonoma County therapeutic massage inquiries is just an additional clear indicator that the trend today is moving toward more natural and organic healing that is designed to benefit people of all ages and in all walks of life.

About Laura's Sonoma Massage
Laura's Sonoma Massage is a privately owned business offering therapeutic massage from a beautiful cedar log cabin setting surrounded by panoramic views. Laura offers several massage modalities for those with a wide variety of ailments as well as those who are simply looking for stress, pain or strain relief. Laura has years of experience as a registered nurse and is a certified massage therapist in the state of California. She offers clients reasonably priced high-quality massage therapy that incorporates the use of several key massage modalities for proven health and wellness benefits.

Contact: Laura Roche
Location: Forestville, CA
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Laura Roche

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