Growth of Global Food Allergens and Intolerance Testing Market Shifts to High Gear with Increasing Popularity of Specialized Products

Food Allergens and Intolerance Testing Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2016 - 2024


Albany, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/26/2016 --Food allergies or intolerance have affected almost every individual at some point of their life. The increasing number of allergens across the globe and the globalization of the food markets have resulted in a higher number of allergies and intolerance among people.

A food allergy is not the same as the food intolerance. A food allergy causes hypersensitivity and triggers an abnormal immune response after the ingestion of a specific kind of food. On the other hand, when the immune system is not involved in the reaction to a particular food, it is identified as food intolerance.

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In this blog, Transparency Market Research provides answers to significant questions associated with the food allergens and intolerance testing market, emphasizing on the potential opportunities and major growth prospects.

What are the major testing types available in the global food allergens and intolerance testing market?

Some of the common food allergens, for which food allergy and intolerance testing products have been developed, are: Peanuts, wheat eggs, seafood, soy, cow's milk, shellfish, and tree nuts (such as Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios pine nuts, and walnuts). On the basis of testing, the global market for food allergens and intolerance testing can be broadly divided into in vivo and in vitro practices. In vivo tests comprises patch tests, prick tests, and intradermal tests, whereas the in vitro tests include radioallergosorbent test (RAST). However, the major market players are spending enormous amounts on developing newer methods to determine food allergies and intolerance among individuals.

What are the key factors influencing the demand for the food allergens and intolerance testing market across the world?

In the last few years, consumers have become aware of the different allergies and rising intolerance to food, boosting the demand for food allergens and intolerance testing. The sale of foods for individuals who are suffering from food allergies or intolerance was limited to pharmacies and specialized wellness food shops. However, this scenario has witnessed an enormous change with numerous retail stores now selling these products. The growing popularity of these specialized products has led to an expansion of the product portfolio.

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In addition, the growing awareness regarding a healthy diet and lifestyle are encouraging the consumers to go for food allergens and intolerance testing. It will help the consumers in understanding which food products are suitable for them.

What are the major steps taken by the industry players to avoid food allergy and intolerance among consumers?

In the last few years, several food manufacturers have introduced gluten-free and other specialized foods for people who are suffering food allergies. Several applications such as (iAvoid Food Allergy, iEatOut Gluten Free and Allergy Free, AllergyEats, and Yummly) have been developed to help people in understanding which food is good for them. An individual can simply scan the products using these applications and check for the presence of any ingredients that may cause an adverse reaction. A mobile application developed by Tellspec scans food to provide a detailed breakdown of the ingredients on the phone screen.

Developments like these are expected to augment the sale of specialized products and help consumers eat the food of their choice.

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