Enplug Launches Guide to Improve Communication in the Workplace


Culver City, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/04/2017 --Businesses often get into trouble when there is a breakdown of communication between employees and managers. But now Enplug is offering a solution in the form of a guide entitled "10 Tips for Effective Communication in the Workplace."

Enplug is a company dedicated to providing businesses with better visuals to communicate their ideas, Currently, it offers state of the art operating systems to manage content that appears on public displays in places like airports, restaurants and hotels. As Enplug points out, companies that fail to communicate well miss out on all of the benefits that good communication brings. According to research, companies that leverage one-to-one discussions and interactive media are 2.5 times more likely to be high performers than businesses that don't.

The purpose of the guide, therefore, is to provide businesses with the information that they need to better communicate in the workplace.

Effective Communication In The Workplace

The guide begins with advice about how managers can enhance communication channels between themselves and their employees. One of the ways to do this, Enplug says, is to use surveys. "Surveys are a simple way to get input from your team on everything from your new interview process to how the kitchen fridge is stocked." They recommend that companies make use of tools like SurveyMonkey to get their teams to provide honest feedback.

The guide also points out how Enplug's own products can really help improve communication in the workplace. At present, many businesses communicate using emails (which may not get read) or rely on "kitchen chatter" - a notoriously unreliable source of information. Enplug points out, however, that digital signage is a much better form of communication than these unreliable methods. Digital signage TVs can be placed in key locations around the office to advertise upcoming events, job openings and promotional videos. They can also be used to tabulate sales metrics and key performance indicators as well as show photos of the company's products and its team.

The guide then goes on to explain in detail all the different things that businesses can do to facilitate better communication, from creating compelling internal newsletters that workers actually want to read, to having fun. Each point in the 10-point checklist contains an explanation, a bunch of ideas about how to use a communication tool, as well as examples.

Take newsletters for instance. Enplug points out that many company newsletters can be boring and offers some advice from its own experience. The Enplug newsletter includes a letter from the CEO, the latest press on the company, upcoming events, birthdays, a product roadmap, KPIs from each department, a list of thanks yous and acknowledgments as well as some trivia. "Our internal newsletter at Enplug includes all of these," they say, " and it's put together in a beautiful, easy-to-read format that keeps the team and investors up-to-date."

The key message Enplug wants to get across in its guide is the importance of defining and sharing a goal across a company. Communication, they say, is key to this, in order for a company to be successful.

Click here for more information on how to foster better communication within your business.

Colin Bovet, Head of Marketing
Address: 6029 Bristol Pkwy, Suite 100, Culver City, CA 90230
Telephone: 303-746-5408
Email: hello@enplug.com
Website: https://enplug.com/blog/10-tips-choosing-best-tv-for-digital-menu-board

Media Relations Contact

Colin Bovet

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