EnviroTab Users Experience Fuel Savings

Green fuel wealth not only produces biofuels but also creates machinery that is related with biofuels and the environment.

Portland, OR -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/08/2011 -- Pollution has become rampant in the society today. This is basically due to the increase in technological know-how, hence, the creation of pollutant machinery at the expense of our environment. Among these inventions is the ‘car’ of which has been embraced by many. Most of the average earners and the above average ones own cars and use them on a daily basis, not knowing the effect the diesel emissions are doing to the air that we breathe.

This where the Green fuel wealth company comes in. Basically, Green fuel is a company that produces alternative fuels also known as green fuels. It came into the limelight in 2003 after Mr. James Hygate, who is now the C.E.O co-funded the company. Up to date, Green fuel wealth is the leading producer of biofuels. This company came up as a result of the increase in price of the fossil fuels and above all the degradation of the environment by the same fuels. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention.

Green fuel wealth not only produces biofuels but also creates machinery that is related with biofuels and the environment. Among these products are the fuelpods, fuelmeister, purification rigs, pump filtering kits and centrifuges. All these are under domestic production. Those that are under commercial production include fuelmatics and fuelsonics.

On top of selling biofuels, Green fuel wealth also designs equipment that produce biofuels. These machines are sold according to how the buyer is planning on using the fuel; whether it is for domestic use, small-scale use or even commercial purposes. The most common of them all is the fuelpod.

The fuelpods have been divided into various models; the fuelpod2, 3 and4. The difference between them is the amount of biodiesel it can produce a day. The fuelpods 2 produces 50 liters while fuel pod 4 produces an average of 100 liters a day. The biofuels produced at home are made using a mixture of both used or new cooking oil and methanol. No carbon products are used, hence, pollution free fuel.

The fuel pod is very user friendly in that its dispensing system is made in such a way that the already finished fuel is pumped straight in one’s car without any hassle. There is absolutely no risk at all when using the fuel pod since it is air controlled. This avoids any possibility of sparks igniting the fuel. Therefore, the fuel pod can be termed as environmental friendly and safe to use.

There is also the Environ tab. This is also another of Green fuel wealth inventions. This is a kind of tablet that reduces the rate at which the car consumes fuel. It also tends to clean the carbon products in diesel hence, producing smoke that has no effect to the environment whatsoever. This tab is easy to use; all you have to do is drop it into the fuel tank before fuelling up the car. One simple step, but tremendous positive effects. This is an alternative for those not in a position to buy the fuel pod.

These are just but a few of the things sold by the Green fuel wealth company. They have even more environment friendly equipment and have taken biodiesel use to a whole other level.

If you are interested in learning how you too can help our air quality, save money, and make money contact Harold Kurt 971-732-4241 or visit him online at http://PDXEnviro.biz

About Harold Kurt:
Harold Kurt is dedicated to going green. Whether it's health, recycling, cleaning the home, or cleaning the air we breathe. We are here to help people understand the importance of keeping this place we call home safer, cleaner for the future of our families and generations to come. I believe education in the area of saving our planet by going green is in the best interest of us all.

Harold Kurt
Green fuel wealth
Portland, OR

Media Relations Contact

Harold Kurt
Green fuel wealth

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