Johnny Bugs, Inc. Is Eliminating Roaches, Spiders, and Many Other Pests in Winter 2017

North Port, FL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/03/2017 --The specialists at Johnny Bugs, Inc. love their families and their pets. Being professional pest controllers, they know how crucial it is that they maintain their homes, and those of their customers, lest the pests ruin everything. When they visit a home, they examine for any and all conditions that may cause infestation by household pests like fleas, mice, ants, and roaches. Professional spider exterminators, they inspect homes in communities like Sarasota County, amazing customers with their efficacy of their services and their results. In anticipation of winter 2017, they're rooting out roaches, head lice, and spiders for their newest and most loyal customers.

Sometimes known as "Water Bugs", American cockroaches are ubiquitous to the Charlotte County, and surrounding areas. The flea and roach exterminators at Johnny Bugs, Inc. can catch and disinfect any household plagued by these pests. Johnny's specialists seek out areas of the home most filled with moisture, plumbing leaks, HVAC drains, puddles, knowing where roaches tend to gather and hide. Since their own close encounters with these many-legged nuisances, they've made it their company's mission to find and exterminate every roach that they can.

Just as horrific as the roach, head lice and poisonous spiders find ways into households, as families and animals come and go about their business. Infesting themselves, head lice can reproduce at a rapid rate, spreading their eggs in fabrics and the hairs of humans and pets. Johnny Bugs, Inc. takes no chances with head lice or spiders, utilizing a powerful combination of products and practices to ensure every home is rid of its pest pestilence. The company will go the extra mile, wiping away every trace of an infestation, as a home's been disinfected.

Any homeowners that want to wipe away any pests that may be lurking in their homes can contact Johnny Bugs, Inc. at 941-564-5328.

About Johnny Bugs, Inc.
Johnny Bugs, Inc. is a pest exterminator based in North Port, FL that uses professional grade, reduced risk, odorless pest control products. They provide free estimates for treatment right over the phone or via text. Their customers appreciate that they provide a narrow half-hour arrival window and that their treatments are guaranteed for a full 90 days.

To learn more about their services, visit

Media Relations Contact

Lora M. Novak

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