Agriculture: Supplies - Press Releases

Fruit and Vegetables Are Set to Increase by 8% After Brexit: Green Spirit Hydroponics Comments

The Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice has released an article about the rise in price for imported fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables which have been imported will rise by 8% after Brexit. A City analyst has calculated that whatever trade deal the EU and the UK make, fruit, vegetables, olive oil and flowers will be more expensive. This will make it harder for the UK to get food which we cannot produce ourselves, making it harder for the UK – especially when the latest figures show that last year 71% of the food imported came from EU nations, where the total food and agriculture products imported was worth a massive £47.5 billion.

BPW Fights Cancer with Hydroponics: Tropicanna Horticulture Comments

This Day Live, an online version of the Nigerian newspaper has released a blog about the Business Professional Women (BPW) fighting cancer using hydroponics. Hydroponic enables people to grow and create new kinds of leafs which may not grow with soil in Nigeria.

Saving Money on Big Hydroponic Nutrient Brands: Grow & Harvest Comments

Over recent years there has been a huge focus on hydroponic growing, with a rapidly rising number of people making the transition from traditional to gardening methods, realising the phenomenal benefits and taking advantage of them completely. Grow & Harvest is a leading hydroponics equipment supplier at the absolute forefront of the hydroponics industry. They're a company in which constantly strive to ensure that they are offering the most affordable yet quality hydroponic growing solutions to all, enabling for all to participate in hydroponic growing method. The company's latest great deal in which many have already used is the offering of 10% off all of the hydroponic nutrients that they offer.

75% of People in the UK Fail to Hit Their Five Portions of Fruit and Vegetables a Day: Tropicanna Horticulture Comments

The Mirror, a British national daily tabloid newspaper, have recently released an article which states that nearly half of the population have zero fruit and vegetables a day, with seventy-five percent of people still failing to hit their five portions a day. However, this isn't the most shocking news, the study also found that nine percent of people think that tuna is a part of their five a day, and a following three percent thought that turkey was.

Keeping Fruit and Vegetables Fresh: Tropicanna Horticulture Comments

BT have recently released some tips on how to keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer, these tips are meant to help people preserve their fruit and vegetables longer, which is incredibly useful considering it has now been said that people are supposed to be eating ten portions instead of five.

NDTV Have Recently Released a Blog on the Benefits of Jackfruit Seeds: Grow World Comments

NDTV have recently released a new blog which states the benefits of one of the largest tree fruits in the world, the jackfruit, however this isn't about the benefits of the fruit itself but is of the jackfruits seeds. The jackfruit is filled with a surplus amount of protein, nutrients so no wonder the jackfruits seeds are great for people's health.

The Guardian Release Tips on How to Eat More Fruit and Vegetables: Green Spirit Hydroponics Comments

The Guardian have recently released tips on how to eat more fruit and vegetables a day. Everyone has been told that they should be eating five fruit and vegetables a day, in order to be fit and healthy and make sure they consume all the right nutrients. However, this has recently changed to having ten fruit and vegetables a day. Many people are becoming concerned about how they will be able to consume all this in just one day; however these tips provided by The Guardian should help them:

Five Portions of Fruit and Vegetables Now Turns to Ten: Grow and Harvest Comments

It has recently been reported in the news that five portions of fruit and vegetables has now grown to ten. The research behind this has found that eating ten portions of fruit and vegetables a day can increase people's life span and reduce risks of diseases such as cancer.

Tropicanna Horticulture Now Offering Ecothrive Products

The fastest growing online retailer of hydroponics equipment and supplies, Tropicanna Horticulture, are well known throughout the hydroponics industry for their great efforts in constantly striving to offer the utmost superior range of products – and in line with this, the company have, to their customers and clients delight once again introduced a selection of new products and items, including a number of Ecothrive hydroponic supplies.

UK Hydroponics Supplier Now Offering America's #1 Flower Enhancer

Grow World, one of the UK's leading hydroponics suppliers is well known throughout the hydroponics industry for their great efforts in constantly striving to offer the most superior quality hydroponic product ranges at the most competitive prices. This is why it has not come as a surprise that they are now stocking America's #1 flower enhancer – Rock Resinator Heavy Yields from Rock Nutrients.

Newsround Reveals Trick to Make Children Like Veggies: Hydroponica Comments

Newsround has recently published an article revealing the findings of an experiment that has been completed with a group of UK school children, looking into how we can get children to like vegetables more. The study was designed to see if training ourselves to like foods that we didn't previously is possible – and it seems like it is.

TreeHugger Explores How to Teach Children to Like Veggies: Grow World Comments

TreeHugger, the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream has recent published an article exploring ways in which parents can teach their children to like vegetables. In many cases it has previously been known for parents to resort to extravagant negotiation to get their kids to eat nutritionally, however this article suggests that there are far simpler methods available.

Grow & Harvest Have Recently Announced Their Free Local Delivery Service

Grow & Harvest have recently announced their new local delivery service which covers Wirral, Liverpool and Ellesmere Port. The free local delivery service only applies to people who have spent over £99 on an order and live within 15 miles. The delivery van is unmarked and is perfect for bulky and heavy items, making it ideal for the majority of hydroponics equipment.

People Now Growing Own Herbs with Help from Goldfish: Grow & Harvest Comments

With masses of people all over the world worried about the potential health effects of man-made chemicals which are typically sprayed on traditionally grown crops – many people are in search of alternative ways to grow their plants and produce, with one of the utmost leading options appearing to be that of hydroponics growing. However, Dutch inventors have recently created an 'EcoFarm' that doubles up as a fish tank – specially designed to grow herbs and cherry tomatoes using fish waste that works greatly as a natural fertiliser.

BBC Explores Coping Methods for the UK's Vegetable Shortage: Green Spirit Hydroponics Comments

Bad weather in Europe has resulted in a vegetable shortage, with people across the UK now finding it much more difficult to get their hands on food items such as iceberg lettuces, courgettes, broccoli, tomatoes, salad peppers, aubergines and more. This shortage is anticipated to continue until at least April, and in line with this the BBC has recently revealed some alternatives for shoppers and consumers, these included but are by no means limited to the following:

A New Way for People to Grow Their Own Herbs: Green Spirit Hydroponics Comments

With many people across the world holding worries regarding the potential effects of man-made chemicals being used on crops, over the past few years companies and individuals have been exploring other methods of growing – with the latest requiring a little help form goldfish.

Phenomenal Rooftop Farm in Israel Now Growing Thousands of Vegetables: Grow World Comments

The rooftop of one of Israel's oldest malls is now home to "Green in the City", a rooftop farm scheme in which it produces 10,000 heads of leafy vegetables each month, all year round, using hydroponic growing methods. This is a thriving example of urban agriculture, and just one of the many examples of communities coming together to produce and source locals with the freshest, most nutritional produce.

Refugees Grow Food Hydroponically to Bring People Together: Green Spirit Hydroponics Comments

It has recently been reported in Green Prophet that refugees have begun to plant roots in the world's first hydroponic community garden. This project was formed to bring people together, especially the migrants and refugees, not only this but as the building has a variety of cultures living there, the community garden has been said to help people interact with each other whilst they share food which reminds them of home.

Mail Online Promotes Mediterranean Diet – Claiming It Can Stop Older Brains from Shrinking: Grow World Comments

The Mail Online has recently spoken out about a recently conducted study in which shows that following a Mediterranean diet could halt the brain of older people in their seventies from shrinking – stating that eating lots of vegetables, fruits, olive oil, and even a glass of wine per day could enable grey matters to decline as we age.

Grow & Harvest Explain Different Hydroponic Growing Methods – Allowing All to Select the Most Suitable Solutions

In recent years many people have started growing their produce hydroponically, realising the benefits and reaping them completely. However, although it is easy to see the many advantages of hydroponic growing online and in the media, such as reduced grow times, better quality produce and more – when opting to take up the growing method, it has become apparent that many struggle to decide which hydroponic growing method is best for them. In line with this, one leading supplier of hydroponics equipment, Grow & Harvest, have recently explained some of the different style of set-ups to all, including the following:

The Weekly Challenger Reveals Healthy Eating Habits Worth Cultivating in 2017: Leeds Hydro Store Comments

With 2017 already upon us many of us have already no doubt made New Year's resolutions, however some people much prefer to make gradual changes towards healthier lifestyles, with The Weekly Challenger recently revealing just some of the healthy eating habits worth cultivating in 2017. For all whom are looking to kick start the New Year in a healthy fashion, here are some of the habits in which The Weekly Challenger are promoting:

Hydroponica Now Proud Suppliers of Remo Nutrients

Hydroponica, an industry renowned supplier of hydroponics equipment, well known for their dedication to providing the greatest hydroponic collections at the most affordable prices, has recently added a new line of nutrients to their incredibly extensive range, the world dominating Remo Nutrients.

Heliospectra Appoints New CEO

LogoHeliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB:HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH:HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for controlled environments horticulture, is pleased to announce that the board of directors have elected Ali Ahmadian as the new CEO of Heliospectra. Mr. Ahmadian joined Heliospectra as Chief Commercial Officer in November of last year and will assume the position of CEO on February 1, 2017.

Children Who Don't Eat Fruit and Vegetables Are More at Risk of Asthma: Grow & Harvest Comments

The Daily Mail has recently released a new article which claims that children who don't eat fruit and vegetables are 53% more at risk of getting Asthma. Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of nutrients which naturally boosts the immune system, however with children not eating enough it means that they're more at risk of getting asthma. It has been said that 5.4 million people in the UK alone suffer from this condition which effects breathing.

Nutritionist Reveals Why People Should Never Boil Vegetables: Grow World Comments

Many people not only in the UK but worldwide struggle to eat their recommended five-a-day, but did you know that even those who manage to eat theirs could be doing it wrong? A nutritionist for the Mail Online has recently spoke out, stating that we could be cooking our vegetables all wrong, claiming that boiling our vegetables could be ruining their health benefits and destroying our superfoods.