Northern Virginia Otolaryngology Associates PC

CDC Warns Against the Dangers of Sinus Infections

The Center for Disease Control warns that the symptoms of sinus infections can be confused for flu symptoms as the country ramps up for the impending holidays and the annual flu season, but warns that antibiotics are not necessarily the answer.


Marshall, VA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/05/2015 --According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), symptoms of sinus infections can be confused for flu symptoms as the country ramps up for the impending holidays and the annual flu season. Sinus infections, sinusitis, occur when fluids become trapped which causes germs to fester and grow. Invariably, 90% of adult cases, and upwards of 70% of children, come down with the condition owing to viral rather than bacterial causes. As such, the CDC warns that antibiotics will not cure the majority of sinus infections.

While sinus infections may present in the same manner as flu symptoms, parents of children suffering from the condition should seek out the services of a healthcare provider if the child's temperature spikes past 100.4 degrees, symptoms continue to worsen for ten days, or over the counter medications offer no relief for symptoms.

Local otolaryngology physician, Dr. Jairo Torres, agrees and notes the importance of preventative care in addressing outbreaks.

"In the vast majority of cases, antibiotics will not address an outbreak of a sinus infection, so it becomes a matter of managing symptoms and letting the condition run its course," said Northern Virginia Otolaryngology Associates, PC founder, Dr. Jairo Torres. "Equally important is taking steps to prevent sinus infections in the first place with good hand hygiene, up to date immunization, and maintaining an environment that is free of exposure to secondhand smoke."

Using a clean and well maintained humidifier will help moisten the air, which should alleviate symptom while rest, plenty of fluids, and over the counter medication should manage the bulk of sinus infection symptoms.

About Northern Virginia Otolaryngology Associates, PC
Since opening their doors in 2015, under the guidance of Dr. Jairo Torres, the staff at Northern Virginia Otolaryngology Associates, PC has been dedicated to treating the ear, nose, and throat concerns of Marshall, Virginia residents. Dr. Torres has been practicing medicine for more than a quarter of a century, and his office provides a warm and caring atmosphere for patients in distress, and seeking answers for a wide array of health conditions.

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