ChannelSOC delivers pro-active Cyber-Threat Hunting services to Managed Services Providers
Sparks, NV -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/06/2017 --ChannelSOC, a security operations center services company, today announced they have added an additional offering for managed services providers (MSPs) that will give them the ability to provide cyber threat hunting capabilities to their clients.
"MSPs can leverage ChannelSOC cybersecurity capabilities to enhance their clients' security, incident response and compliance postures which provides additional value and services", says Sean Michaels, Vice President of ChannelSOC.
As the headlines spotlight the latest hacks, many of these breaches exist for months or years before being discovered. Attackers are finding new and more sophisticated ways to evade current security controls and prevention systems. These compromises are often identified as advanced persistent threats (APTs) because the adversaries know how to get around most security and monitoring tools and the ability to initiate and maintain long-term operations against targets.
The challenges for most organizations is the investment in the security infrastructure that is needed to run the threat hunting tools. As well as requiring dedicated and empowered security threat hunters who know what the adversaries are capable of, so they can identify them as early as possible.
How quickly an organization contains a data breach has a direct effect on the financial impact. The cost of a data breach was nearly $1 million lower for organizations that were able to contain the breach in less than thirty days.
In response to APTs, ChannelSOC has begun adopting practices to proactively "hunt" for malicious software and hidden users within networks. Until recently, threat hunting practices have been limited to the most sophisticated security professionals in the military, telecommunications, and top tier financial institutions.
"We integrated this solution into our platform to automate the hunt process and enable faster response times to find malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs) hiding within these networks", said Tim Averill, Director of Cyber Security Operations". "The faster we can respond, the less impact it will have on the organization".
Demand for cybersecurity and compliance services is growing quickly and it has become increasingly evident that MSPs must get serious about information security and stay ahead of the industry or risk losing business to their competitors.
"Many MSPs remain in the very early stages of their transition to cybersecurity and are still thinking out their first steps and figuring out ways to integrate it into their existing services. We have made ChannelSOC's services available to the MSPs, allowing them to ramp up quicker without having to spend the time and money to build an entire security practice in-house", says Sean Michaels.
Managed Service Providers can sign-up to become a partner and start leveraging their capabilities.
About ChannelSOC
ChannelSOC is a channel-only company that provides cybersecurity monitoring, threat detection and security operation center services that is powered by the best-in-class security solutions, managed 24x7 by certified security engineers to provide real-time security intelligence without the cost, complexity, and extended timeline of the do-it-yourself deployments.
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