Weatherford, TX -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/02/2022 --Credo Ventures has selected Clarity Analytics, LLC., as its provider of digital asset accounting and reporting. The service includes daily, monthly and annual financial and tax reporting for the firm, as well as daily trader statements and reconciliation services.
Jeff McKinley, Founding Partner of Clarity Analytics remarked, "We are excited for the opportunity to provide digital asset accounting services to ARB's crypto asset trading division. Through our long standing relationship, we were able to work closely to navigate the always changing crypto markets and deliver a solution that meets their needs."
In July of 2020, Clarity Analytics announced its formation through a joint venture between Senex Solutions and XonaSoftware, Inc. Both companies have a long history of delivering solutions to trading organizations. Under the Clarity Analytics name the combination of technology and experience has led to the delivery of innovative accounting and reconciliation reporting services in the emerging cryptocurrency trading world.
About Clarity Analytics
Clarity Analytics, LLC. ( provides financial reporting services for businesses that need clear, concise, and customized digital assets, i.e., cryptocurrency, accounting and reporting. Clarity Analytics' proprietary software is a sophisticated platform combined with administrative expertise to accommodate the most complex requirements of institutional trading operations.
About Credo Ventures
Credo Ventures is a crypto asset focused trading company within ARB Trading Group, a diversified proprietary trading firm with trading operations in financial markets around the world.