Hi Slider is powerful and free jQuery content slider plugin creator released at hislider.com. It is top of line jQuery image slideshow software which is free for personal use.
HongKong, HongKong -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/04/2013 --Individuals can now create a fashionable and unique slider with the help of Hi Slider. They can also create sliders from Vimeo videos and YouTube videos. With the presence of Hi Slider, individuals can do those things with ease. They can truly create a beautiful and eye-catchy slider banner with the presence of Hi Slider.
Hi Slider is a free software that can be used personally. It allows individuals to bring out jQuery images slideshow, website sliding banner, conjure JavaScript slideshow presentation, and picture perfect WordPress slider plugins. Because of this information, it gets more reliable and useful to use by a lot of people for their slide shows.
Individuals can make image sliders for several reasons. The first reason is that a jQuery slider in the home page can help users create an eye catchy design that will surely get the attention of their visitors. It can also launch a particular website for the newcomers. Generally, an image slideshow is used in a particular product, and it presents a lot of significant information about the product. This is one of the best methods that individuals can use to present products to their target or potential customers. It supplies 6 skin and pre-designed templates such as list, wonder, eris horizontal, elastic, and classic.
Hi Slider aims to help individuals create images that have impressive and remarkable appearance and the ones that will surely get the attention of everybody. Moreover, it can help them in creating those images with ease due to the comprehensive tools that it contains like the transition effects. A lot of people can add some types of action in their slideshow images with the use of this software. The types of this action are Pop up a long with light box, Open URL, and JavaScript function. Through this function, users can add Home URL to their Slider as well as add more information on it.
Hi Slider is based from Hong Kong. Hi Slider is a flexible free jquery content slider plugin maker. And individuals can search more features in this free personal version.
For more information about Hi Slider including the features of the software and the benefits that users can receive from using it, visit http://www.hislider.com. This site is always available for people who want to increase their knowledge about the software.