With people so accustomed to seeing super produced campaigns for NGOs Global-Ties.org, an organization that really doesn't have funds for award-winning productions, decided to bet on simplicity and truth over fairy tale.
Moscow, Russia -- (ReleaseWire) -- 05/13/2014 --A camera and a cause, that’s all they had, and ironically exactly what was needed to figure out that the simplest way to get people donating already existed, but was never used: Youtube’s monetization system pays any user, with original content, per engagement with advertising displayed in his video. So why not ask the whole internet population - all 3 billion of them - to simply click on that banner in the video?
This video was posted with ads enabled: http://youtu.be/abbZxZ1NMFs
Only two types of advertising get displayed inside Youtube’s player: in-stream or in-video.
In-stream ads run before the video and only generate money if watched until the end without skipping or by clicking the ad.
The only ad format that actually stays while the video is running is the ‘Overlay-in-video format’, the banner that appears below the video. That’s the only shot to explain people what to do, while they’re actually able to do something: click. It appeared exactly when the video asked for a click to save people from starvation.
The video didn’t get 5 billion views like Justin Bieber recently did, but Global Ties is happy to give something to other also important kids in the world, without spending a single dollar in the video production, but believing that the idea itself is simple and clear enough to get viral.
A click, without any tricks, can become real money. The goal is to get at least 3 billion clicks and the NGO doesn't see any reason to doubt it could happen.
More information at global-ties.org.
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