
Have You or a Family Member Been Diagnosed with Molluscum Contagiosum


Guildford, Surrey -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/14/2013 --Have you or a family member been diagnosed with Molluscum Contagiosum? If so, you may not be very happy to learn that this condition may stay with you for a year and a half. No matter whether the small, raised, firm bumps (papules) appear on your face, hands, or other body part, you will want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, most doctors truly don’t have the best answers when it comes to treating this condition. In particular, if your doctor didn’t mention MolluDab, you might want to see if you can find out more about it.

When you use Molludab it breaks down the skin cells which encase the virus. After around 4-6 days treatment, the immune system mounts an ‘infflammatory reaction’ to molluscum contagiosum. Once this inflammatory response has cleared the virus, the skin can begin healing. Typically, MolluDab, will get rid of the molluscum contagiosum lesions within one to five weeks. Further more, Molludab does not cause the pain or scarring associated with certain physical removal techniques.

Aside from being effective, MolluDab is very easy to use. All you will need to do is apply it to each papule twice per day. While you may notice some swelling caused by increased immune response, this will subside fairly quickly.

Learn more http://www.molludab.co.uk/