Healthcare: Mental Health - Press Releases

Medications: Are We Turning Our Kids Into Mental Patients

LogoLisa Sinsheimer M.D., Clinical Consultant, Admissions and Parent Liaison for John Dewey Academy talks about her concerns with our society increasingly looking to psychotropic medications to solve normal problems of life for our kids.

Benefits of Social Media for Educators

LogoDr. Russell Hyken Ph.D., Educational and Placement Specialist, and Steve Walters: Social Media for InnerChange talk about the significance of Social Media and ways educators can use Social Media.

What Is Democratic Education

Logo"Just What Is This Democratic Education?" Jerry Mintz talks about how Democratic Education is based on children’s natural curiosity and urge to learn.

Educating The Female Brain

LogoThe growth of the female brain starts it on its unique growth pattern almost from conception which results in significant differences in what females need in schools and their lives as they grow up to educate the female brain.

The Gift of Attention Deficit Disorder

LogoDr. Kevin Ross Emery, author of “Managing the Gift of Your ADD/HD Child," explains how ADD/HD is not a disorder, but part of the evolutionary progress of expanded capability.

Lon Woodbury Hosts Tour of Fulshear Ranch: First-ever Streamed Live on the Internet

LogoThe first live streamed internet tour of a residential treatment program was recently completed by Lon Woodbury, President-Woodbury Reports. This offers new possibilities for parents, clients and referral sources that are not able to physically visit a program.

Handwriting Therapy Can Have a Powerful Effect on Personality and Achieving Goals

Analysis of handwriting can be a powerful tool for assessing the writer’s personality and approach to life.

Common Sense Parenting: Boys Town Advice for All Parents

LogoParent Choices For Struggling Teens talk show has guest Ron Thompson from Boys Town, explain the research Boys Town has been doing for more than 22 years on at-risk children and the resulting program they provide parents groups on what they refer to as Common Sense Parenting.

The Trauma Beneath Eating Disorders

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens talk show guest Dr. Kim Dennis, Medical Director at Timberline Knolls, RTC Lemont Illinois, discusses and explains Eating Disorders and the traumas that are usually behind clinical Eating Disorders.

Announcing a New Book Containing 365 Tips, Strategies and Solutions for Succeeding With ADHD

Laurie Senders, PhD, Founder and Owner of Compelling ADHD Coach, LLC, is a co-author in The ADHD Awareness Book Project: 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD, a collaborative book, aimed to provide a unique one-of-a-kind resource for people with ADHD and increase the awareness of ADHD worldwide. More than 80 co-authors and ADHD experts have come together to share their best tips and strategies to succeed with ADHD.

Don’t Change - 3 Simple Tips to Accept Yourself Right Now

You don’t need to look for greener grass. According to Self-Esteem expert and author, Susan Vernicek, the path to self-esteem is right beneath your feet.

Shine! Inc. Gives Women an Affordable Coaching Alternative

After facing a life threatening illness in 2007 which took her out of the entertainment industry and almost everything else, Canadian Actress & Model Hunter Phoenix found herself in a position of having to start her life and career all over again. “It was the absolute worse time in my life.” Phoenix remembers. “I was unable to work, my finances were in ruins, and I was thousands of miles from friends and family. There were no other options than to just pick myself up and keep moving.”

Caring Confrontation A Healing Educational Model Approach

LogoCaring Confrontation is a healing educational model approach that relates to students and other adults in a direct and honest way that builds self-respect and a sense of belonging in a school community.

The Crucial Need for Parents to Spend More Time With Their Children

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teen’s show hosted by Lon Woodbury and guest Beth Black discuss adults today not listening and spending enough time with their children.

How Wilderness Therapy Is Unique

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens discussed on the weekly talk radio show the unique effectiveness of wilderness therapy. Katherine Eastlake, clinical director of Catherine Freer Wilderness Therapy program spoke about this on LATalkRadio.

Passage Home Hosts Second Annual Tournament of Hope on Sept. 16

RAPassage Home, a nonprofit agency fighting poverty and homelessness in Wake County, has announced that it will host its second annual Tournament of Hope on Friday, Sept. 16 at The Neuse Golf Club located at 918 Birkdale Drive in Clayton, N.C. Event registration is at noon, and tee time is 1:00 p.m. All golfers will be treated to a complimentary barbecue dinner and live music at the conclusion of the tournament. All proceeds from the Tournament of Hope will benefit Passage Home in its quest to help local families.

Learning Disability and Therapy: You Shouldn't Have to Choose

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens weekly talk radio show speaks with Sanford Shapiro, Founder of Bend Learning Center. You should not have to chose between learning disabilities or therapy.

Tap Away to a Happier and Healthier Life

Billed as an event for all Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Enthusiasts - practitioners and non-practitioners, the second Annual Canadian EFT Gathering is slated for October 29 and 30 at the prestigious Sandman Signature Inn Hotel and Resort, conveniently located close to Vancouver International Airport.

Join Project Mind in Its World Wide Search for Scientist Candidates

Project Mind provides a unique strategy joining science with creativity to increase efficiency in science and dramatically accelerate the production of advanced breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine.

Watson Talks About Signs of Residential Treatment Programs Primarily in It for the Money

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens discussed what a parent should look for while searching for a program for their child. Everyone should know the people responsible for running the program.

Sleep Diagnosis Success for Luxury Swiss Resort

LogoHaving launched a two-day sleep diagnosis treatment in February 2011, the spa and wellbeing resort Grand Resort Bad Ragaz in eastern Switzerland has reported a popular take-up for the programme.

Rocky Top Hospitality Ranked As Top Corporate Philanthropist

Dean Ogan, owner of Rocky Top Hospitality, has announced that the restaurant group has been named one of the top corporate philanthropists in the Triangle area on Triangle Business Journal’s annual list, which ranks companies by dollar amount of Triangle giving in 2010. Providing $104,502 for Triangle giving, and $106,906 for total giving, Rocky Top Hospitality secured the No. 15 spot on the list.

Father Flanagan's Boys Town in the 21st Century

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens host Lon Woodbury speaks with Boys Town about the changes that have evolved since its beginning 93 years ago. Father Flanagan grew up in an era when homeless boys were usually jailed and/or punished.

Connecting With the Future Thru Education

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens internet talk radio show talked about how education will look in the future. Parents will need to be more assertive in choosing their child’s education.

Academics Are Stressing out Our Children

LogoParent Choices for Struggling Teens show talks about academics being the main cause for our children being stressed out today. So much emphasis is put on success in education that our children need balance.