Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder. Rosacea can effect both men and women and people of all nationalities, it may begin as early as the teenage years but it occurs more so in women of middle age and Northern European descent.
London, UK -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/17/2014 --Rosacea has no known cure but it can be controlled, the condition usually occurs as redness on the face – normally across the nose, cheeks and forehead, it can sometimes occur around the neck and chest areas too. There are four types of rosacea–some individuals may have more than one type.
Anyone who suspects that they have rosacea should try to get a proper, professional diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated it can develop and cause rhinophyma, rhinophyma causes the skin to become very thick. Telangieotasia can often occur on the chin, cheeks and nose, telangieotasia is when small blood vessels that are located beneath the skin become visible.
There are a number of treatment choices available for rosacea, treatment can depend on the severity of the symptoms suffered and may involve antibacterial sulfa-based face washes, lasers, antibiotic pills, certain forms of light therapies and isotretinoin. Diet can also play an important role in the treatment of rosacea, anti-inflammatory food and food low on histamines can help sufferers so can the avoidance of alcohol. Click here to learn about the rosacea diet.
One London clinic is having tremendous success controlling the symptoms of rosacea. Pulse Light Clinic say here, “You don't have to suffer the symptoms or the distress that Rosacea can cause. At Pulse Light Clinic, we are privileged to see both the visible and positive emotional effect that good Rosacea treatment has on our patients.”
Pulse Light Clinic is a central London based clinic located a short walk from the busy financial district (many of the clinics clients are actually City workers who visit during lunch), several tube stations, two Docklands Light Railway stations and on several bus routes. For travel information to the clinic visit, In order to treat rosacea the clinic uses a mixture of intense pulsed light (IPL) and advises clients on individual dietary changes. On their rosacea diet page the clinic say, “Over the past eight years here at the Pulse Light Clinic we have seen that following a rosacea diet has produced mixed results. Most of our clients are City workers who are time pressured to say the least and have very little time to adhere to strict dietary demands.
To ensure that rosacea treatment is effective, it is not just about administering IPL. Understanding the triggers and how rosacea effect’s you personally, plays an important role in effective symptom relief. We are also aware that trying a new treatment is a big step. The experienced staff at Pulse Light Clinic will guide you through the process and reassure you throughout. Although it is deemed incurable, our unique individual approach, perfected over 13 years at the Pulse Light Clinic, has reduced symptoms and given the rosacea sufferer back control of their lives.”
About Pulse Light Clinic
Pulse Light Clinic say they are dedicated to achieve the most favourable outcomes for everyone of their clients, as part of this commitment the clinic monitor each and every rosacea client extensively. The clinic is located at 150-152 Fenchurch Street, London. The clinic offers a no obligation initial consultation and a discounted initial rosacea treatment session.
Visit for more details on the clinics rosacea treatment.