The YouTube comedy show follows two superheroes, but not just any superheroes. These two superheroes are Batdude and Superbro, who could make the world safer if they could resolve their issues.
Scottsdale, AZ -- (ReleaseWire) -- 03/29/2016 --The new Batman V Superman film with Ben Affleck has been launched at the cinema, providing fans with excitement as two superheroes come together. However, they are not the only superheroes people are talking about. Batdude and Superbro are two superheroes that have gained a huge following with their hilarious YouTube comedy show.
Stella North Media, a video maker has launched a comedy show on YouTube looking at what life would be like to bring two superheroes together. The comedy show looks at how Batman and Superman could become friends if they tried. The short film looks at the unlikely superheroes who have taken the world by storm with their comedy antics and see what it would be like if two superheroes went to therapy to resolve their issues and become friends.
In the latest comedy show Batdude and Superbro: Dawn of Besties, the pair go and see Dr. Milton to help resolve their conflict. However, Batdude and Superbro could turn out to be the worst patients he has ever come across.
A spokesman for the Batdude and Superbro show said: "If you have ever thought what it would be like for two superheroes to go to therapy, then this comedy show could reveal what it would be like."
Batdude and Superbro: Dawn of Besties has become one of the most talked-about comedy shows on YouTube, to see the video please visit
About Batdude and Superbro: Dawn of Besties
Batdude and Superbro: Dawn of Besties is a comedy show on YouTuve. It has been created by Stella North Media and follows the two superheroes as they go into therapy to resolve their conflicts.
The Director of the short comedy film is Daniel Riser, and the show was written by Eric Crepeau and Daniel Riser. Executive Producer: Diego Aguilar. Batdue was played by Chris Goode, and Superbro was played by Christian James while the Doctor was played by Todd Stroik and the patient was played by Jomar Miranda.
Media Contact
Stella North Media