“When there are disagreements, even hostile outbursts,” asks Lori Prokop, “whose needs are talked about first?”
Minneapolis, MN -- (ReleaseWire) -- 03/26/2007 --In workshops teaching anger management techniques, featured speaker and expert Lori Prokop teaches how to decide who will share his or her needs first in settling a dispute.
“This anger management system is complete only after both people have been heard, been understood and walk away satisfied,” Lori Prokop explains. “If only one person has been heard, understood and satisfied, you are only half-way done.”
There are four important steps to decide who speaks first during any problem resolution.
First, Lori Prokop advises, make this decision. Ask yourself, do you want to communicate how you feel and what you need for the other person to understand right now? Or do you want to understand how the other person feels and what they need first? Decide who is feeling the most pain. Take into consideration which person has the most clarity of what they feel and what they need.
“You may consider the person who has the most clarity focuses on hearing the feelings and needs of the person in the most pain,” Lori Prokop says. “The feeling of being heard and understood will most likely help the person in the most pain feel relief and clarity.”
“When both people are at the same point of relief, understanding and clarity, they may both be more willing to consider each other’s needs,” Lori Prokop continues.
“Either way, with my Anger Management System, you have the awareness to deal with angry people successfully – be it either yourself or others,” Lori Prokop says.
“Following this anger management system,” Lori Prokop teaches, “you have the anger management skills to decide who will focus on feelings, needs and requests first.”
About Lori Prokop: Lori Prokop is affectionately called the “mother of inspiration” and is one of the most respected people in the field of self-empowerment. Lori Prokop has devoted her life to the study of human behavior and personal motivation. The remarkable combination of her caring style and the powerful systems Lori Prokop has developed quickly transform people and companies from good to great!
Learn more about Lori Prokop at http://www.lori-prokop.com and more about creating and living the life you want at http://www.howtohealabuse.com