Brisbane, Austria -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/30/2005 -- SpartaMatrix International announced the signing of a $5 million dollar passenger and international freight airport security agreement with Prospect S. A. Investments, Republic of South Africa. Although many details of the contract cannot be revealed for security reasons, it was announced that the term of the agreement was for an initial period of three years.
SpartaMatrix, the 2004 Australian Technology Showcase winner, will digitally map the entire airport area, provide a comprehensive Management Information System and will introduce RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tagging for all luggage and cargo entering and exiting the airport area. The use of SpartaMatrix’s system will allow the airport to have biometric control for immigration and health screening, e invoicing, labeling, packaging, containerization and intermodal shipping systems. The anticipated freight and passenger movements through the complex will be approximately 16 million. Each of these movements will be recordable and stored in on-site and off-site data storage systems for use by the airport facilities.
SpartaMatrix will also provide engineering and advisory services to the airport. These services will include implementation of security, security methods, regulatory compliance and complete technological systems to protect and maintain the airport complex.
“I believe this is just the first of many airport complexes that have and will recognize that we (SpartaMatrix) have taken the challenge of 9/11 and of the Lockerbie Scotland terrorist to develop a security system that actually provides the level of security that many governments promise to provide but have failed to produce!” stated Phillip Wainwright, Chairman of SpartaMatrix International.