Recently launched website, to give the blameless victims of predatory lenders a fighting chance to break free of debt.
Chicago, IL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/11/2006 --At a time when recession seems imminent and the future is looking bleak for many thousands of Illinois homeowners, Scott Tucker, the outspoken ‘consumer advocate’, is bucking the downward and damaging trend and leading the revolution against ‘predatory lenders’ from his website, fighting the corner of consumers penalized by unfair and discriminatory lenders.
Americans today owe well over 2 trillion dollars in consumer debt, and the figure’s rising all the time, chiefly, argues Tucker, “because of the cynical and unfair practices of unscrupulous lenders, which are for the most part the banks and credit card companies.”
Tucker claims, “credit companies make the most of their profits from so-called ‘bad-debt’ or ‘high-risk’ debtors — the lower your credit score the more they treat you as a risk, unfairly discriminating against you by assuming you will not keep up with your payments. So the interest rate they charge you is much higher. They also know people with less-than-perfect credit scores are more likely to be late payers and run up their cards to the maximum, so they deliberately hide huge penalty fees in the small print.”
Tucker’s discovery reveals an alarming development that should concern all Americans, and uncovers a hidden dark side to these lending institutions. Yet what makes the conspiracy even more disturbing is the fact that these cynical practices target the people who can least afford to pay, and draws them unwittingly even deeper into a downward spiral of debt. “This,” says Tucker, “is something that affects all Americans everywhere, because it’s what’s driving us to recession. It’s not your fault if you fell for the lies and deceit of these ‘fat cats.’ And the quicker we get out of the cash-flow crunch, the quicker we’ll help ourselves as individuals and get the wider economy back on track.”
As the champion of debt-ridden Americans, Tucker says passionately, “People get into debt through no fault of their own. So I put together my website,, to give the blameless victims of the predatory lenders a fighting chance to break free of debt. The great tragedy is even though it’s a turnkey process and all done for you, some people would rather carry on grinding their way through it the hard way. But every month gone is just another month of worry, when you could just be getting on with your life with your debts taken care of.”
Scott Tucker is an outspoken Chicago consumer advocate and the country’s #1 professional specializing in solving cash-flow and credit problems for people from all walks of life. To learn more about Scott and his services, call his 24 hour free recorded message at 1-800-481-5917, Ext 9000, or visit